😔Sadly signing out ofC25K : MRI scan result... - Couch to 5K

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😔Sadly signing out ofC25K

50 Replies

MRI scan result finally came in and I have a 'fine tibia fracture', can't tell you all how upset I am. Spent a while in A&E and now have a splint and appointment on Wednesday with Orthopaedic consultant. Possible pot, cameras in to look, blah, blah, blah. Laid on the couch, no work, no weekend away and God forbid if I end in a pot then the Med hols will be a hot, dry affair.

Think it may be a bad knock I had previously to running, but sadly running has aggravated it. So to all newbies, I am just unlucky, C25K does work for most and please listen to your body and slow or stop.

To all the wonderful people who have supported me, all the very best for your running, may they all be poetic runs like Oldfloss writes about and pain free. I take from this experience that I can now break into a run if someone shouts 'fire'! Although as the GP encouragingly suggested, I should just find a fit fireman 😉😘😘

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50 Replies
pollyp1 profile image

That is so sad.. I hope you have a incident free recovery. Sending virtual - and very gentle - hugs x

in reply to pollyp1

Thank you pollyp1 hugs needed x

Feelingsilly profile image

I love your GP's sense of humour, I don't love your mri results Hidden . Such a shame for you, but at least you are no longer in limbo, you have answers. Look after yourself and get it better, take care, and Thankyou for all of your encouragement too! 💐

in reply to Feelingsilly

This place is great for encouragement and kind words and I have appreciated everyone's help and your kind interest. I will be checking your progress. Good luck. Thanks for virtual flowers. Tulips my fav x

yatesco profile image

I'm so sorry to hear that, and all the best with your future endeavours. I wish words were sufficient, but unfortunately they aren't.

Have you any c25k replacements lined up (other than starting fires and waiting for the firemen to turn up)? :-)

in reply to yatesco

Haha! Thank you. Thinking about rowing and Pilates, will see, doing the arm drag up the stairs is quite a workout on ur bum! All the best

Slinkyminky profile image

Oh Bamb I'm so gutted for you ☹️

Sending you big virtual hugs xx

Thankyou for all your encouraging words throughout my journey X

in reply to Slinkyminky

Thank you Slinkyminky feel like we started this together and you are proof it works. I hope you have continued success running buddy xx

Janey1012 profile image

😕 huge sad face. I hope you'll still keep the faith (so to speak). Let's say auveroir rather than goodbye. ..

in reply to Janey1012

Au revoir. Thank you for your kind words

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Not goodbye! Fractures heal and then you can run again. It takes a few weeks/months, but is something to look forward to and in the meantime you can work on your core fitness. We'd welcome you back!

in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Yep core fitness is what I need and got up positive and planned healthy meals with eldest. I'm not going to put on weight AND lose fitness whilst I'm immobile. Thank you.

OldPossum profile image

That's really sad news and I really hope you recover quickly. I'd check out your local first before you call the firemen though - some ours don't look too fit! Take care.

in reply to OldPossum

Haha yes I probably taught some of ours a long time ago when I was a class teacher. Thanks

Oldfloss profile image

:( How simply horrid. This is bad news...but... you do at least know the cause now.

Hopefully, there will be no need for a cast... I spent the whole of one hot August and September in two different casts, when I ripped my Achilles tendon. Lots of pikkies of me in a paddling pool, with my leg sticking out, all wrapped in cling film and plastic bags :) Yes, I am still loopy, even when incapacitated!

Take the news in, see what evolves, when you are settled, maybe Yoga, and strength exercise.

Meantime, on the IC... check out all the pikkies of fit firemen?

Maybe keep checking in and let us know how you are doing?

On Sunday, my run will be for you... I won't take you with me this morning... it is pouring!!! :)

Huge hugs are being sent to you, this very moment! :)

in reply to Oldfloss

Ahh Oldfloss I may do some virtual runs with your poetic prose to help my imagination. It's raining here so don't blame you. A bit less sorry for myself now. My daughter reckons I can claim I'm hard, I can run for 20 minutes on a broken leg!! Overstating it but made me laugh and that's all you can do.

Will be 'lurking' around and checking up on you. Thank you for all your wise words and good vibes. Xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

I got a bit wet..but not too wet! Lots of things to see and absorb this morning...as usual !

Yes.. how tough are you ! :) Not a great deal of consolation but you do, as you say have to keep smiling.

Just take it steady, go with the flow and see how things evolve..:)x

So sorry to hear that. Sending gentle hugs and the hope for a speedy recovery And lots of lovely distractions for you.

in reply to

Thank you. Sympathy and hugs always welcome

Spongecake7 profile image

What a bummer! Hope you have a speedy recovery and 'see you again very soon' xx

in reply to Spongecake7

Thank you will keep checking you all x

lightweightkate profile image

So sorry to hear your news - really hope that it heals quickly and well and that one day you will be back :-) Let us all know how you get on. Take care x

in reply to lightweightkate

Thank you and all the best for your journey. Good luck x

Swnymor profile image

Do hope you recover quickly and that you find yourself asking you doctor when you can start running again before you know it!

in reply to Swnymor

Thank you. Reading everyone's journey I can see lots of trials, so who knows x

Realfoodieclub profile image

I'm so sorry, wishing you a speedy recover and hoping your back on your feet soon. I know it sounds like a strange thing to say but try asking all the specialists you come into contact when you can try to run again as they will be honest and give you the best advice for you and then When your ready you will have all the knowledge about yourself to make your own decision, even if ithe last thing you feel like doing now is running you really might not feel that in the future. Hugs. .

in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thank you I will ask it's very true, and I may regret not asking in the future even tho now it's the last thing on my mind x

Sandraj39 profile image

So sorry about this news but you will get back to where you were, and further. Take advise from your consultant and be kind to yourself. Remember, you are still a runner. Most of us have had time on the injury couch at some point - and it is a frustrating part of the journey. Sending you lots of healing vibes. Take care.

in reply to Sandraj39

Ah lots of positivity is what I need at the moment and I will ask. I did exceed all my expectations even to week 6. Thank you

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

I hope the orthopedic consultant has some encouraging news for you. Now is the time to pamper yourself. You'll come back to running, it is just going to take some time. Do you know how this happened? Was it while you were out running?

in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Think I had a bad knock early in the year, took pain killers for a while and forgot about it. Then the running aggravated it, probably wasn't fully healed (surmising here) Never had any knee problems ever and the irony is I was worried about my back which improved with running. MRI showed all ligaments etc strong so some comfort. Just rest and recover. Eldest home and pampering me, although may have to give her some training on the frothy coffee- looks like wash water! X

GoogleMe profile image

What rotten luck. I hope your treatment is not too hard to manage

Sounds as though when you are over the immediate injury it might be worth seeing a physio or podiatrist about gait issues (whether you decided to come back to running or not) as you seem to have quite a lot of dodgy skeletal stuff going on - could be that your back issues have been creating unusual forces on your lower leg or something?

in reply to GoogleMe

Absolutely think you're right about dodgy back. I do actually feel like my bad leg is longer. Spent about 10 years standing 'long' to ease sciatica if I've ever been in a queuing situation and spent years squatting suddenly to ease it much to my family's amusement.. Remember the youngest getting very excited when she thought we were getting a cat as I pretended to pore over the cat food low on the supermarket shelf. So dodgy skeleton is right, the me time appears to be about sorting it so I will head to physio, etc do Pilates etc and see what happens. Thanks for advice.

Katie204 profile image

So sorry to hear about your fracture! That must be so frustrating after all the work you have done. Don't despair - I'm sure you will be back running once your leg has healed, but you do have to rest up and make sure it heals completely before getting back to exercise.

in reply to Katie204


melly4012 profile image

Oh no, so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be after you'd been doing so well in the programme. Here's to a speedy recovery and hopefully running again sometime isn't out of the question.

in reply to melly4012

Thank you, am even beginning to think may be one day ....

poppypug profile image

Oh Bamb, I am so sorry and gutted for you , this is such a blow :-(

Please don't be a stranger, let us know how youre going on wont you ? I know its really bad at the moment, but you will recover . We have the lovely TurboTortoise on here who broke her pelvis , and she is well on her way to recovery now. Its a long, slow road I know , but there is an end to it .

I really hope you have a speedy recovery and please come back to running when youre able

Big hugs ((( ))) xxxx

TurboTortoise profile image
TurboTortoiseGraduate in reply to poppypug

I was writing a reply at the same time Pops! xx Great minds and all that!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to TurboTortoise

Wooooo ! That's spooky ! :-)

Lovely to see you Em and great to hear youre doing well xxx

in reply to poppypug

Thank you for this. I am a 'half full' kind of person and I know it's possible. I will certainly take as much advice going. Big hugs gratefully received x

TurboTortoise profile image

Ugh that's really bad luck Bamb00, and I do sympathise and understand as I'm getting over a fracture myself. It's frustrating and you have to be patient but time really does heal. Don't give up on the running if you don't want to, though don't rush it - see how you feel in a couple of months. I can 100% recommend Pilates for core strength (I am doing it regularly, plus exercises every day) – it will really help your back too. Brisk walking – as soon as your bones can safely take it – gets the blood pumping. I'm doing a lot of that as I can't run yet. AncientMum broke her ankle and has made a return to running – in fact she has come back stronger; I'm sure she'll have some good advice.

Oh TurboTortoise i have just read the back log of your posts, what you have been through this last few months! Your X-Ray was terrifying so glad to see you are recovering and I am most definitely going back to Pilates which I know helped my back. I stopped when I went back to work full time, but the older I get the more selfish I am rightly getting and more laid back. I hope you continue to make a good recovery. X

TurboTortoise profile image
TurboTortoiseGraduate in reply to

Thank you Bamb - take care of yourself, definitely go back to Pilates and do some exercises on your own in between classes (even just 10 mins a day will help) - you will notice a difference in your flexibility (therefore less pain) after as little as a week - I did.

Als_mum profile image

Big virtual hug! What a thing to have to deal with. Listen to the medical people and go gently. TurboTortoise is dead right with Pilates - it works really well and will help to keep you strong. And, if I were you, I'd search out the fit firemen! (Reminds me of a work trip to see the Chippendales many years ago - *moves to an open window and fans self vigorously....*)

Haha thanks for hug and good advice. Had similar work trip- husband said why bother me and mates will form the 'Chipbuttydales'. Not sure it will catch on...

Als_mum profile image
Als_mumGraduate in reply to

Possibly a bit of a niche market!

Suebguineapig profile image

Sorry, haven't been here for a while, so apologies for late response to your news. It sounds terrible and you have my best wishes. But looking at the other comments, am tempted, optimistically, to think that they may be right and this is a long term gap not an end. Take care!

AnnieW55 profile image

Hi if you're still checking in you will have seen the post but Dolphin12. If you haven't seen it check it out it might give you some hope for the future. If you've stopped checking in I've just wasted time typing this 😄. Sending you best wishes for a swift and strong recovery.

in reply to AnnieW55

You haven't wasted your time thank you! I am still 'lurking' and I read Dolphin's post, quite amazing and yes gives me hope. Thank you for your wishes. I will at least have good abs and no bingo wings with my crutches phew! 🙂

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