Anyone else having problems with Garmin? My run this morning won't sync, I loaded Garmin Express and was told there are updates....after 2 hours they still hadn't finished...
Garmin updates?: Anyone else having problems... - Couch to 5K
Garmin updates?
My updates never work. It says I don't have enough space. I cleared stuff off to make room but still not enough space. I have given up with em
if it won't sync, just unplug and try again. That usually sorts it
My Garmin just does not like me...
Had real problems with Garmin Express lately. It keeps refusing to sync but doesn't give any reason. I uninstalled and re-installed GE which worked for a few days but then it wouldn't sync again last week.
I manually uploaded my last outings which was easier and faster than sitting waiting for nothing to happen...
How do you manually upload?
Open Garmin Connect. On the right hand side next to 'Sports' is a cross. Click on that then go to Upload Activities. You're given three tabs to choose, click on Manual upload and follow instructions.
Alternatively you can use the 'Manual activities' button on Garmin Connect - Activities where you type in your details.
If you have any problems, I'll try and upload screen shots of the windows.
Note: edited with clearer instructions! It was late and I was trying to remember...
This is a link to the Garmin status page... there was an issue showing earlier today, but all looks OK now.
Thanks all, it seems to be ok now xx
My greatest bugbear is that I live on the edge of a large woodland (in a house, not a muddy bank), and my Garmin doesn't pick up a signal until I'm well away from the trees. That means that my run can be up to 1km shorter than my legs testify! When I'm only just managing 5k, that's a lot to lose! 🙄
Might not be the same issue but my Garmin wouldn't sync and after running the troubleshooting when plugged into the computer it was because I'd upgraded to Windows 10. It did its thing, found a problem and asked if I wanted to store settings to use from now on. That was five/seven days ago and it's worked every time since.
Ah I had this Lochie , what a nightmare . I got a new Garmin and it wouldn't work on my existing Windows 7 , so I upgraded to Windows 10 and it still wouldn't work. I had to un-install everything and re-install it and now it works a treat , takes seconds to Sync . I was a woman on the edge I can tell you !
Mustve been a problem with their end Curlygurly2 xxx