I was reading this yesterday and thought would share. The Infographic is the shortform version, the accompanying article goes into more detail.
Many of us run with weight loss as one of our goals, many of us are a tad overweight. For most of us, what we mean by that is we want to lose fat - losing lean body mass is not a desirable outcome, although a great number of restricted calorie diets achieve precisly that.
How lean is lean, however? How lean do we need to be to look a certain way? How lean does one have to be to have visble abs? What are the health benefits at the various degrees of leanness and at what point does the health scale start to tip the other way? and, equally importantly, what does it take to achieve the varying degrees of leanness? How much exercise, how much food?
Well, that is what this article and graphic address, and in a very straightforward way. I confess I was surprised by some of it. It certainly puts it all into perspective.
Hopefully will spark some interesting discussion too. See what you think: