Anyone looking to a London Marathon in the fut... - Couch to 5K

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Anyone looking to a London Marathon in the future?

hannah141 profile image
25 Replies

With all this London marathon hype, it got me thinking. Do you have a goal for you running after graduation? Does running 5k now make you want to set a goal to run a marathon in a couple of years?

Personally, I'm perfectly happy with my 5k 3 times a week and I'm motivated to improve times and speed and pacing etc. The thought of running a marathon not only seems way out of reach but I'm not particularly inspired to even set the goal - it doesn't really bother me.

Just interested to hear :D

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hannah141 profile image
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25 Replies
louisella profile image

I'm on w7 at the moment and just aiming to get to 5k (not sure what time I'm aiming for yet though as will just aim for distance to begin with). My boss has offered to make charity donations based on certain milestones (the longest being the Exeter half marathon in 2 years time) so that's given me something to aim for although it does seem a long way off...that said, running for 25mins non stop seemed unachievable a few weeks ago so never say never :) 

useitorloseit profile image

No, it's not for me either.  I set myself mini targets, and try not to go backwards!  I would feel very disappointed in myself if I didn't get out there 3x per week for my regular 5ks and occasional longer runs (when healthy of course - I don't beat myself up too much if I'm under the weather). 

I'm just so glad I found this programme and the people on this forum.  I'm not sure whether I would have fallen off the wagon if I didn't log in here every so often - I have a history of slacking off exercise regimes in the past, but I've happily kept this up for 2 years now.

amateurwriter profile image

I graduated back in october (I think I can't really remember what month I graduated in as it took me just over 11 months) come january I decided to sign up for a 10k race which is taking place this sunday, I'm running in the race to raise money for headway who have helped me become the person I am today and who helped me with my recovery after my latest brain injuries, I wouldn't mind running a marathon in the future but not for a couple of years at least, I'm just happy running 5km three times a week after I get this 10k race/run out of the way, I call it a run as I'm not racing against anyone just me, myself and I,

Take care and hope you have a great weekend,

Siobhan x

millwalki8 profile image

I'll be up for it on Sunday watching it on TV, but when it comes down to applying I'll remember its two Half Marathons and training for one was bad enough :)

Rignold profile image

Completing C25k made me realise that pretty much any goal is achievable if you commit to a sensible plan and are consistent. It is good to keep challenging yourself, but your goals should be about what you want to achieve, not 'must do 10k - half - full marathon' because that is the way 'runners progress'. Long slow distance is great, if that's your thing. If it isn't, do something else.

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

I don't see myself ever running a marathon. I signed up for a race in May to keep me motivated after graduation. There are 2 options : 5 and 10k. Originally I planned on doing 5k but my running times and distances developed a bit in the meantime so I changed it to 10k. Feeling ok about it. For now I'm fine leaving it there. My only other running goal this year is to try running in a group but don't feel ready for it yet.

shortfatslug profile image

Not for me, I was made to run a long time ago with 50 lb of kit and with boots on.

I did not like running then and dont like it now, I now run 3 times a week to keep trim and keep the type 2 in check.

I do feel better for it, hopefully I will enjoy running one day.

Oldfloss profile image

Now I understand my abilities... and what I think I could achieve if I wish to,.. I am happy to simply run; vary the distance and vary the speed according to the day and how I feel. I ran for 50 mins, 6.92K, a few days ago.. and for 28 mins 4 K... today...both runs eminently satisfying in their own way. :)

Zev1963 profile image

I've only just reached the point where I can run a semi marathon, so I think marathon distance is some way off yet.  I intend to run half marathon distance once per week for the next twelve months.  If after twelve months I feel it is getting easy, and my times have significantly improved then I will think about further increasing the distance.  I would like to run a marathon eventually, but I'm in no hurry.  Half marathon distance feels like the maximum I can enjoy at the moment.

My cousin is running in the London marathon to raise money for Northampton Air Ambulance.  I hope that I will one day be at that level :)

davidy233 profile image

I'm one run away from completing week 4 and someone joked to me this week "Oh you'll be doing marathons this time next year" - mmmm - I'm not sure I will be or that I have a desire to do that.

The only race I've seen that I fancy is the 'Chariots of Fire beach race' 5k which is held in St Andrews in June - definitely fancy doing that next year (this year will be a couple of weeks too early for me I'd reckon) I'll probably try to work up to a 10k too, but at this stage can't see me having ambitions of running races longer than that.

Other than that I've decided that I'm definitely going to take my kit and run when I'm abroad on holiday/work - I was in Vancouver last summer and cycled around Stanley Park seawall - I'd love to go back and run it - and I might be working in Philadelphia next spring - If I am I want to do a run which finishes by sprinting up the 'Rocky' steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

jt24 profile image
jt24Graduate in reply to davidy233

That St. Andrews race looks awesome :)

Don't want to pressure you but I reckon you could give it a go. It says everyone is welcome and you'll be graduating around then....

davidy233 profile image
davidy233 in reply to jt24

Mmm - you've got me thinking about this - damn you ;-)

jt24 profile image
jt24Graduate in reply to davidy233

I know a runner who ran it last year. She said it was definitely hard running on the sand but an absolute laugh doing it. As long as you took it slow and steady, or just accept you have to stop/walk the odd occasion and not worry about your finishing time it would be good :) Beer, doughnut and a medal at the end and entry fee to charity- can that be ignored?!?!

jt24 profile image
jt24Graduate in reply to jt24

You posted it in the first place- I'm cursing you lol!! My first 5k 'race' wasn't to be until November but this is just SO tempting!

Noaky12 profile image
Noaky12Graduate in reply to davidy233

I fancied doing it until I saw the price. £15 for a 5k feels a bit steep. Mind you. I am a traditional tight Fifer!! 😁

jt24 profile image
jt24Graduate in reply to Noaky12

It's a charity benefitting from the entry fee though! As a Fifer you're already 'there', minimal travel costs ;)

Noaky12 profile image
Noaky12Graduate in reply to jt24

To be fair. I had completely missed the charity aspect!! ☺

Noaky12 profile image

Definately no marathon plans for me.

I have a 10k in Oct that I'm currently training for. 

My first goal after graduation was to get round a 5k course, then it was to do it a bit quicker. Then it was to hit 10k all of which I've done. My training is now to improve my performance.

I have an aspiration to achieve the 10 mile mark at some stage & maybe just maybe a half marathon in the future but it's not a burning desire.

As Rig says, do what you want to do! 😊

Madge50 profile image

Hi Hannah, I didn't start this programme to be a'runner' , that was a side effect.  I don't run 3 times a week, I run twice a week, and that's fine by me.  I am doing several 10k's this year, done 2 so far,  and what I like most of all is the social side of running.  This forum, to chat, share ideas, whinge, whatever it may be, then at 'races' , the excitement and joy of being physically active, no matter what size, shape, speed you are, and of course parkrun - the absolute best invention of all time.

I doubt I'll have any desire to do any longer distance, I certainly have no ambition to run a marathon, but I do have a desire to keep running, for all the benefits it gives me  physically and mentally. -  as long as I am physically able, I hope to still be running long into my old age.


jt24 profile image

I've joined 'running ninja's' on Facebook and loads of them are off to London and no end of other races around the country. 

It's very admirable but not something for me! I'm happy with 5k, it's 'easily' doable (as in not too much time involved and a route to be found pretty much anywhere, it's certainly not easy yet effort-wise!) and I'm in it for the health benefits which 3x30 mins or 3x5k a week seems to cover well.

I do like the look of some of the race medals though- how shallow is that lol! 

I think may attempt a charity 10k next year depending on where/when and how f&f are placed to sponsor me. Don't think I would do one without the charity connection.

We should all gather back in a year though and see where it's all lead us :)

Run_Rabbit profile image

When I started C25k I just wanted there to be a little less of me, with the associated health benefits - I definitely didn't ever want to be a runner and if the programme hadn't sounded so 'doable' in terms of time, I wouldn't have done it - If it had been say ... 50 weeks for example, I wouldn't have bothered, and if there had been a magic pill with the same outcome, I'd have taken it. Once I graduated though, I did think of myself as a 'runner' and started thinking about longer distances / faster times blah blah blah ... I even bought compression socks and contemplated ice baths and the whole thing just became so much more in terms of time and money than I'd ever intended. And I hurt myself. Just a silly little ITB thing that was my fault for not replacing worn out shoes,  but it meant I couldn't run for about 3 weeks or so. But it gave me time to reflect on what I actually wanted - just a smaller, healthier me - rather than a faster, more durable me. So I quit - I stopped being a 'runner' and just became someone who runs. And I now run 3 or 4 times a week for 5 or 6k a time and I enjoy, I mean really enjoy! every run because I don't push myself or hurt myself or buy more stuff or fetishize running. I'm glad its worked out this way for me because the smaller healthier me can spend the extra time doing more exciting things!

Son1 profile image

My goal is to complete the couch to 5k (I have completed 2 runs of week 4), so pretty much half way.

I hope then to do park runs regularly to enjoy the social side of it and to do 2 or 3 5ks a week (total).  I hope that I can speed up a bit and do quite fast 5ks.  No ambition to run further than that at the moment, but will just see how it goes.  Right now, I just want to be healthy, enjoy the programme and not get injured.

Son1 profile image
Son1Graduate in reply to Son1

Oh, and I really like the idea of cross-country running :-)

kirstyfbates profile image

I'm aiming for 5k by 17th September 2016 so as I can take part in The Color Run in Brighton -- a 5k race (but yet it's open to walkers, strollers and families!) in which tons of coloured paint powder is thrown over you throughout the course -- ending in an enormous Holi-Festival-esque party at the finish line!

It's something I've wanted to do for over two years, and yet I told myself I'd only enter as a 'reward' for being able to run for 5k, which well, for me, is an enormous challenge.

I've currently completed Week 1 of the C25K app, and I'm feeling positive. Every day so far has been getting easier, and easier, (considering on my first attempt, I could only run for two sixty-second intervals!), and by setting my goal for mid-September, I don't feel pressured in terms of time. If I want to repeat a week or two (which I plan to do!), there's no stress!

I do really admire those people who plan to tackle marathons, and the ones who can work themselves up from well, the couch, to finishing one. Personally, I don't get much enjoyment from running long, long distances. For me, 5k is a plentiful achievement (when I finally get there!), and there are some excellent 5k events around that I'd love to try!

XFNutty profile image

I've been watching the marathon ever since I was a kid and have always fancied being able to run one, however I've never really done running relatively recently. Ive grown up knowing that short sharp bursts of exercise are more me than endurance, however I did C25k because I wanted to accomplish something and say I can do it. Now I don't think I've even reach my 5k yet, but I've completed the program and I'm proud. Having a marathon on my bucket list now doesn't seem as an absurd aim as it did this time last year, but I'm slow and I know it will take many years before I feel that I will ever even contemplate entering one!  Who knows, might do a half marathon next year (as there's one that passes straight outside our house) depending how I go, but for the moment I'm happy just aiming for a 10k in September (which isn't even a serious one!)

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