Really need help and advice on this one.
Whats the best cure for joggers nipple!!!!! Preferably one not involving sticking plaster, I have a hairy chest. Lol
Really need help and advice on this one.
Whats the best cure for joggers nipple!!!!! Preferably one not involving sticking plaster, I have a hairy chest. Lol
Lol I have no idea, but your post did make me giggle 😀
I had exactly the same complaint for the first time yesterday!
From googling myself the following seem recommended - all anecdotal though, no first hand evidence:
- vaseline
- masking tape(!)
- bunion plasters
- normal plasters
- wearing 'technical' tops that wick away the water
- medicinal tape
My first port of call will be a technical top (I run in a normal t-shirt) as my pre-run routine is already too convoluted (find iPhone, find and then download music, get into my funky, cool and really effective vibrams, put the lead on the dogs, walk to the field, set up garmin etc. etc.).
I will be interested what those in the know say.
EDIT: apologies for numpty spelling mistakes - tooth extraction today and still a bit woozy
That's one thing us ladies with a well-fitting sports bra don't ever have to worry about!
That's one thing us men with a well-fitting sports bra don't ever have to worry about!
Oh I saw a poor guy at the Marathon yesterday with the tell tale trickles of blood down his T shirt
Poor lad, that mustve chafed .
Yep , Vaseline/Bodyglide does the trick xxx
Ooh were you at Manchester poppy? We may have been next to one another and not realised !
Nivea.... swear by it... ! Don't even ask!!!!
Have to agree with Rignold and poppypug...Body glide works for me, it's easy to apply, isn't messy and works!
I was in the running shop the other day and saw something for nipples ( it was a running shop... Honest!!) it was in a tube but I cannot remember the name... I'd say the tighter the better.
I only have this issue with my running club vest - the material is best described as micro-cheese-grater in construction. I have no issues at all with any of my other technical running tops.
Not something I suffer with, thank goodness! But I would suggest Vaseline
Suffered with this myself and its painful - that first moment in the shower afterwards is not fun. I have found the best thing for me is to always wear a compression top, got some short sleeves for milder weather and long sleeves for the cold and not had any issues since I started using them - good luck