Hope Spring Quest week 4 - Feel free to join. - Couch to 5K

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Hope Spring Quest week 4 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
36 Replies

Hope springs Quest Week 4

Hope for all those Hoping to get off the IC

Spring for either Spring or a Bunny Hops.

I hope everyone is is doing ok and those who are still on the IC couch are making progress.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run.























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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36 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

The last couple of weeks seem to of been a struggle,  things at home seem to be getting closer to transplant, we won't know until mid April so it's like being in the dark.  My final appointment with the surgeon is 25th April so he has the final say if I can be a donor.   It seems to be sapping all my energy away from me.  I'm having to watch my shoulder as I could not cope with another frozen shoulder and to be put on the IC again.  I've my HM in 5 weeks and am only up to 12km.  

Now that ive written all that it sounds like I'm moaning, sorry I really must pull myself together and get On With my training.  On a plus note my stretching and weights are going well with 5x50 and the extra food is helping with my sleeping patterns so there are positives if I look for them. 

Wishing you all a happy healthy week. 

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

It doesn't sound as though you are moaning, it sounds as though you are carrying a very heavy load!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toGoogleMe

Thank you I appreciate the support. 

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Blimey RFC, I have had a frozen shoulder (still defrosting) and it's seriously annoying, but don't have to cope with the tremendous anxiety associated with being a transplant donor, nor the horrible waiting with your nerves set to full on until you have news.  Your wheelbarrow is well and truly full up - give yourself a break and glad to see you at least have this outlet for your worries.  

Do reflect on the positives though and there must be many if you have been selfless enough to commit to this.  It makes you rare and beautiful.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toSlookie

Thank you.  Frozen shoulders are rotten aren't they.  This site is such a great distraction always makes me feel better coming on here. 

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Not moaning at all! Big things in your life and still a lot of uncertainty, not much wonder your energy is low. Take care and you'll get there xx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tolizziebeth57

Thank you.  I appreciate the support. 

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Waiting is the hardest thing to do.  It really is.  Congratulations on the strength work in the midst of it.  Those efforts will serve you, as I'm learning.  The hard way :-).

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toparseraisin

Thank you, I'm sure my running will get better with the strength work also really want to get rid of my ab duvet.  

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

I still love that!  Spring may have sprung, but my own ab duvet is blanketing all of Berlin :).

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Sounds like you're doing a lot RFC.  Take care of yourself and don't push too hard.  Sometimes we have to take a step back.  It sounds like your plate is very full.  

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

You're not moaning at all, Rfc, but you do have an awful lot to deal with right now.  Be kind to yourself and I hope all goes well.

GoogleMe profile image

Week 4? How on earth did that happen?

I had one run which I was pleased to get in and pleased to squeeze 5 minutes more out that I hadn't expected and I've done a lot of walking and kept up with the yoga but that's it... so I need to make some moves towards achieving my goals soon!

We have special visitors in the area so some delicious calories have been consumed probably only partly balanced by all the walking. I've just set my Fitbit up to give me a bit of guidance on appropriate calorie levels and it does rather explain why the weight loss has been slow/non-existent... even at commonly recommended sensible limits, I'm not much below what I'm burning.

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply toGoogleMe

Sympathise with the calorie level dilemma: I have been losing/putting on the same 5k for about 4 years now and the 1200 daily allowance recommended for me by myfitnesspal just keeps my weight level. I had hoped by ditching all added sugars and staying at 1200 cals it would make a difference but 3 months later it hasn't.  Back to either the 5:2 or 850 cals a day I suppose for me.  Groan.  

ajwyld profile image
ajwyldGraduate in reply toSlookie

Slookie be careful about going too low too often or for too long - you body can go into "camel mode" and stock reserves. I think that that is why the 5:2 approch works - it mixes it up a bit.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply toajwyld

It also works out as an average lower calorie intake across the week. 

It's not one that appeals to me - I'm always interested in RFCs findings about her own eating and weight, but my intake does just naturally vary. I don't eat extra if I happen to have had a low calorie day and I'm not hungry. Although it would seem I could do to have more of those days!

secan profile image

Unfortunately last week I missed one of my 5km runs because of work-related issues but, on the plus side, I began the NHS Strength & Flex programme and completed the first week (which I found a bit too easy but I will trust that programme as I've trusted the C25K one).

Also, on Saturday I ran my first parkrun (yippee!), which was one of my goals for this quest, and I quite enjoyed it. :)

Good luck to everyone with your quest; have many great runs.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply tosecan

It does get harder - I almost came unstuck during the final pull ups on my graduations session. Eek!

secan profile image
secanGraduate in reply toGoogleMe

Good to know!

I know I will sorely regret these words but... there is nothing like a challenge to keep things interesting.

Slookie profile image

Yippee, 4.5k covered on my last 30 min trot last week.  Still steady but improving tiny amounts at a time (and still most definitely on the flat).  3 x yoga; 1 x pilates classes last week and enjoying them.

Must keep it all going and must also keep off the sugar (this has been surprisingly easy since I started viewing it as an addiction not just a weak habit).  Still eating fruit though, not going totally swee-total.  

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply toSlookie

Ha, I like swee-total!

folkieboater profile image

"Just" 2 5ks last week. No real reason - just life...

Birthday fairy brought cash on Saturday so new running gear of some sort is a must :)

Knee exercises going well.

Trying to get back into some ab/core exercises - planking and/or hula hooping as time and space allow.

misswobble profile image

Morning RFC and my fellow questers. 

Sounds like you have a lot of worry at the moment RFC and it must be really tough having to cope with everything and try and maintain your training. Mind you I expect time alone on a run does give you much-needed time to yourself. I hope it helps you. You know what I mean don't you

I am going ok with training but still plodding on with the same distance for a bit yet. I think I go up to 12k next week, so looking forward to that, not having done so for absolutely ages. Post injury in fact.  The following week it's up to 13.7 k  Eeek. Exciting though. Strength training has gone by the wayside as I've had my  husband at home and all my plans went out the window

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Thank you. I think a lot of what made me down this morning was I went out and pushed it too much yesterday,  I have to realise I can run to destress but I have my limits,  I think I must of thought I was Paula Radcliffe yesterday.  

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

That would explain feeling the need to squat by the roadside for a bit, yes!

lizziebeth57 profile image

Very successful week this last week. 7.5k with a lovely group of runners/friends on Wednesday, 9k on Friday (lovely chatty run with fitfor60) and 16k on Sunday. Yes you read that right - 16k!!! My 10 mile run is on the 17th and I am so pleased to have actually run the distance in advance. I'm doing it for alzheimer scotland  and the donations are coming in which is great too.   Also managed 2 yoga classes. No yoga classes this week so will have to do it on my own, even after a couple of years of classes I still find it hard to practise on my own. Be good for my core though.

Happy running all and for those on the IC - may your recovery be swift x

parseraisin profile image

Just a brief checkin.  I managed only the Worst Run Ever last Tuesday (4k) before putting myself on the couch.  I have been stretching and strengthening hips since and I'm feeling much better, but not perfect. 

Now the twinges have moved into the knee, but again, I'm certain they are hip related.

So.  I'm going to continue stretching and strengthening, and I will attempt a run this week, but not for another day or two at least.    

Frustrated, but trying to take the long view.  My new goal for the quest is to get back to three times running by the end of week six!  Carry on questers!

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply toparseraisin

Oh no parseraisin, that's not good. Hope hip improves soon and you achieve your new goal. 

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply tolizziebeth57

Thanks, I think I will.  I'm a little bit niggle sensitive at the moment.  I don't think I really felt so much more amazing two weeks ago than I do now, if that makes sense.

You had a great week, btw.  Ready for your race!

runswithdogs profile image

I've done a few of Laura's week 6 runs.  Hearing her voice again is great for the motivation.  Also found my Garmin that I had misplaced, so things are looking up!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply torunswithdogs

They are... stuff like Garmins are not essential but their absence when you've got used to them is unsettling. I just found my elastic waist belt for the hands-free dog set up after 6 months missing. Yippee!

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply toGoogleMe

Oh boy.  I use a hands free (non-elastic) set-up for every walk.  Losing my leashes would be terrible.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply torunswithdogs

I do often run where no lead is necessary (although I have one ready) but the hands-free set up really is an improvement on holding it in my hand. I did buy a cheap (non-elastic) replacement but don't have a lot of confidence in it.

Anniemurph profile image

Hello there!  I don't know if I missed last week's Quest - what with Easter and packing to go away it all got in a bit of a muddle.  I think I might have run twice last week - oh, who knows!  Asics probably knows :D  I'm still going along with their 10k plan, although I have changed it from 2 runs a week to 3 now that work has eased off slightly.  The nice thing is that I managed some running tourism last week, in beautiful Copenhagen, and the funny thing is that it was a run I'd done before and I chose the hotel for the whole team specifically based on doing that run :D  Didn't tell them that, though!

Happy Questing, Hoping and Springing, everyone who can, and a swift recovery to those on the IC x

Realfoodieclub profile image

Thank you all for your well wishes, I think I've worked out by I've been so down recently.  Been to see my GP and I've found out I've got a chronic sinus infection and am now on antibiotics.  I thought it was just my nasal spray not agreeing with me. Now I've admitted I'm unwell I realise how much energy isn't there.  Hopefully the tablets will have me bouncing back soon.  Unfortunately I might have to miss a bit of 5x50 but it's more important I get over this.  

JaySeeSkinny profile image

I missed reporting in. So here's a quick update! Still running every other day, tried stepping stones for the first time (couldn't finish it), did a bog-standard 5k (how good does that sound!) and my long run took me a whole 8 km. Ran with an HRM, very slowly, but had no ill-effects whatsoever and was pleased. Also some lovely cycling in the sunshine last weekend. It was like a mini-holiday. So still on target with my quest. 

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