I'm still going...: Hi Everyone! My daughter... - Couch to 5K

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I'm still going...

9 Replies

Hi Everyone!

My daughter and I have started week 2. We were back in the park I like best as there is lots of wildlife to look at to distract me from feeling tired! Saw rabbits, magpies, rooks, jackdaws to name a few...

The run wasn't too bad at all. I thought I would be struggling but, as advised, kept a steady pace, remembering to breathe! I feel for the first time in my life that I am achieving something. My husband has always been skeptical about my attempts to diet/exercise, probably with good reason as I have usually given up soon after starting (and after buying expensive kit or joining pricy clubs!). This time I have been trying to eat healthier with a mixture of the NHS 12 week plan, my fitness pal and 52 diet - all which are free. I have only bought a cheap jogging set and am using my trainers bought 2 years ago in America.


Good luck to everyone else!


9 Replies
misswobble profile image

Well yes you can do this but you have to put the work in as results won't be instant either with weight loss or running

The effort is worth it though and you can really change for the better, but you have to make it happen. So clear the decks of any foods that could hold up your progress and concentrate on healthy protein, fruit and veg. You'll feel much better and yor husband might be a little less sceptical once he sees the change in you.

Hope so anyway!

Have fun! Go very steady. Slow jogging is all that's needed

in reply to misswobble

Hi misswobble1

Thanks for your post!

Yes, I'm all too well aware of how effort is required in large doses at this stage in my unfortunate history of poor application to diet and exercise - for various reasons, so I am determined to succeed this time by making steady progress instead of trying to find quick (and ineffective) fixes.

Thanks for the encouragement


farawaytree74 profile image

Hi Lucy,

I have just started week 2 too. I found a route that didn't involve hills,the local park in fact with nice springy grass to run on and not a soul in sight to witness me lumbering round with a bright red face!

For me I think running has made me think twice about what I am eating as each time I run I think,this would be easier if I was a stone lighter! And I agree with you,I think free cheap exercise and healthy eating work plans work just as well!

Keep at it and we will do it! 😄

in reply to farawaytree74

Hi again farawaytree74!

You are right with me on the journey then1 I'm glad you've managed to find a less tortuous (if that's a word!) route this time. I too had a bright red face on view but didn't care! How it annoys me that I have worried about others reactions to me running in the past... who cares really!

Yes, running is making me indulge less in poor choices in food too.

I am also running to keep my mental health in check as I have a stressful job and so far I'm too tired to worry so much in the night - result!

Keep going and we will do it!


RunningForBroke profile image

I will be joining you in week 2 today. Go you!!!!!

in reply to RunningForBroke

Hi RunningForBroke!

I hope you have had a good run today too!

Go us!!!


RunningForBroke profile image
RunningForBrokeGraduate in reply to

Hi Lucy! I did have a good run. I have twitchy muscles at the moment, but finished the run. Yay us!

Debbie 😃

AbracaDeborah profile image

Your post sounds very familiar! I've just started week 2, slow and steady seems to work...and when she mentioned counting breathing that really helped me, got so involved thinking about that the running bits passed by quicker! Enjoy the rest of your runs :)

in reply to AbracaDeborah

Hi AbracaDeborah,

Thanks for your post!

There seem to be a few of us at this stage.. It'll be great when we all graduate!

Have fun!


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