Run into Summer wk6 - Feel free to join - Couch to 5K

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Run into Summer wk6 - Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
20 Replies

Welcome to Week 6

(25 May to 5 July)

Here we are at the final week. It does seem to of come round quite fast.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.





























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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20 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I am on the mend I think, still another three days of antibiotics. I can't seem to sleep on them so I am taking things easy. I am hoping to do some gentle walking later in the week. I have told myself that I am taking a two week break from cardio. I might even increase that to four we will see how I feel. I think I am totally run down. I have a two week break from my catering/bar jobs then 5 weeks of hell so I have to be strong and fit for that. I will be walking lots to keep the joints moving just not speed walking. Happy running to you all and happy healing to those on the couch.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Sounds like some aggressive rest therapy is in order RFC. Something about kidney/UT infections is especially debilitating and messes with your head too. Let's hope the weather is just right for getting outside but just sitting and strolling.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Sorry to hear you're not well RFC. But it sounds as if your life is full on at the minute so a rest will restore the batteries I'm sure. Sending you positive vibes.

GoogleMe profile image

I'm sure I missed a day or two in my plan to walk or run every day but can't even remember that!

What I do remember though is that I got a swim in, and a run (no phone so completely 'naked') and a heck of a lot of walking. So I feel as though I am doing as much as I can sensibly do.

Including a real triumph - yesterday I climbed Kinder Scout, something I never thought I'd be able to do.

Pigivi profile image

My longest run this week was 5 k - training for a 10 k and trying to stick to the plan - went walking nearly everyday, up the hill once, up half hill once. Was supposed to do the Cork Colour Dash but had to go to a "brainstorming" workshop for an organization I'm part of - and couldn't skip it :(

primmm-rose93 profile image

count me in

misswobble profile image

I'll have to sit this one out

I hope you feel better soon RFC! Have a good rest up and recharge your batteries. Hopefully a drop of sunshine this week will have us all feeling more restored

Good luck Questers!

ajwyld profile image

2 runs again last week. We were having an audit at work which meant lots of overtime, also it was hot and I was just plain exhausted in the evenings. But Tuesday night I still managed a 30 minute trot round the block. Saturday I decided I needed to get out and have a long run to clear my head. It was already shaping up to be hot at 9am, so I chose a shady path along the river and did 70 minutes very slowly (7km total). Run ended at our local branch of McDonalds to meet my family for breakfast, as it was our 13 year olds birthday. Egg McMuffins for birthday boy, large orange juice for me !

I'm hoping to do 3 runs this week but weather forecast is for ferocious heat (up toward 40C in the afternoons 2nd half of the week). My usual pattern is to wait for the sun to go down and go out as night falls, but we'll see how hot it is... (not a morning person...)

poppypug profile image

Oh RFC, you sound as if youre completely exhausted xxxx Heres hoping the rest works wonders and youre soon feeling better :-)

I managed 3 runs last week - Yay !

Tuesday at Running Club - 3.5 k

Thursday - 3k

Sunday 5k

I have got my club again tomorrow night and am then doing the Manchester Mile on Wednesday , which I am really looking forward to, plus I am going to do a ParkRun on Saturday . Oooh its all happening :-) xxx

Good Luck to all fellow Questers, and a massive bunch of grapes to all those on the IC :-) xxx

Irishprincess profile image

I didn't have a great running week last week as we had 5 days out of 7 with various other commitments that couldn't be changed! I got two runs done, a 5K and then my 10K race yesterday which I struggled with big time. I felt really lethargic and it was hard work. I didn't even manage a Pilates class last week.

This week I'm really looking forward to getting back into some kind of routine and doing a couple of slow gentle runs that I can actually enjoy, and given the forthcoming heatwave, the pace will be VERY slow.

Have a great week fellow questers and sending lots of soothing thoughts to those on the IC.

Fitfor60 profile image

Been feeling little bit down and teeny bit annoyed with myself as May has not been good month on eating / weight front Won't bore you but those who know me know it's ongoing issue . As soon as I start to overeat just can't stop . Put on nearly 7 lbs during this quest and that def wasn't one of my aims as really worried I put back on all the weight I ve lost last couple years. Also runs have been slower and shorter since HM and charity race with grandchildren. Anyway thought I would have a look back at wk 1 of this quest and check what I had hoped to achieve. so for wk 3-6 I hoped to run 3 slow and short runs a week . And guess what I did exactly that !

Think lessons learned are -- your body is not a machine ,life is full of ups and downs and you just have to find ways to cope when you are ready, be grateful for all the good things and people in your life and don't stress about the wee things. Who was it who said ' tomorrow is another day'

So looking forward to next Quest and good luck to everyone running/ walking / on the injury couch. We are all trying our best and that's amazing.

christian1 profile image

I may not have managed my 3 runs every week but feel I can honestly say that I have run as often as has been possible.

Sorry to hear you are still poorly RFC. I'm sure you will be out there running (or power walking) again, before you know where you are.

dagshar profile image

Not a bad week. Two easy runs of 5k and 4.5k deliberately trying to take it easy in preparation for 10k event, which as reported in another post went well with a first official 10k result of 1:11:06 - the fact that I was "only" 65th out of 74 did not spoil that. Hoping to do a little better in a year's time though. Back to three runs this week, but probably not up to 10k. Might try the speed podcast one day this week, so watch this space!

Oh, had near disaster with my shoes....I had cut the shoe insole in half to put my orthotic over the remaining front part. Thought yesterday morning that I maybe hadn't cut it in the right place, so cut a bit more off. Big mistake!!! Now I could feel the difference between the two parts even more. Nothing I could do though and I managed to run quite comfortably on it for th 10k anyway. Have emailed asics to see whether I can get just a set of insoles for the Nimbus. Am hoping to maybe buy another pair of shoes at some point in a different colour (maybe if I can get one cheaper in Germany in the summer) so I have to be more careful then.

aliboo70 profile image

My 1st week of the quest and i did a 7k at club night tues, nearly didn't go on thurs as it was getting late, but thought of the quest and went out at 8.40pm with dinner popped in oven so ready for when i got back, a up hill and back nearly 4k which i did enjoy in the end! my pledge was to run saturday too, but did Sunday instead and a local up and down 10k race! so quite pleased with my week! :)

get well soon RFC, remember you're out with me bright and early tomorrow for our Shanklin seafront run, will take a photo for your virtual outing !! :)

Anniemurph profile image

I'm on the injury couch :( I had a nice 5k run mid-week, then went to see a friend who is very unwell in Swansea. Had a lovely run along the prom there, did C25K Week 1 Run 1 with one friend who is re-starting C25K and another who doesn't run but thought perhaps she might give it a go so came with us - hooray! - and then carried on out towards the Mumbles which was fantastic. When I got back we decided that as this friend is sad that she will never be able to cartwheel on the beach again we should do it for her and take a video for her to see. We did - but as I went over the top of my cartwheel I felt something at the very top of my leg/bottom of my buttock pull. Since then I can hardly walk properly, let alone run :( I'm sure it will recover with rest, but until then, no running, no walking - nothing. But I wish you all a happy end of Quest!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Greater love hath no woman than to lay down a wonky cartwheel for a friend.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to GoogleMe


jelly_b profile image

Sorry that you're on the IC RFC. Sending you soothing vibes and hoping you'll be better soon.

Last 2 weeks I was couped up with work. However I did manage to do 2 stepping stone poscast runs and 3 runs of the stamina poscast. Boy those podcasts made me feel like I joined the army - with a nice commanding officer named Laura ofcourse.

I do feel that I'm breathing better and can actually grasp the thought of and practice conversing during run (something I deemed impossible on w1r1)

This week I'm planning to start the speed podcast. Here's to hoping for a faster than snail speed.

Happy running!

frannyfran profile image

Glad to hear you're on the mend, but take it easy until you are completely recovered.

Week 5 of the quest was good for me, 16.5k ran so that left me with just 9k to reach my goal. A 6k run on Monday leaves me 3, but the hot weather is arriving in Northern Sweden, so we shall see.

Happy running anyone

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm getting back into the swing of it, after all the travelling's hot here, as it is everywhere, my 5K on Monday was the same pace as my first ever 5K nearly a year ago...disappointing as I've made quite a bit of progress recently. Never mind, I'm out there and hopefully my performance will get back to what it was soon.

Hope you fell better soon RFC, you too MW XX

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