Does anyone have advice on how to prevent/deal with a stitch? I've just finished W6R2 and developed a stitch in my right side 2 minutes before the end of the 2nd 10 minute run. The same thing happened 18 minutes into the 20 minute run of W5R3. Both times I've been able to push myself and finish because I've known that I only had 2 minutes left but I'm not sure how I will manage to keep going with the longer runs coming up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Stitch: Does anyone have advice on how to... - Couch to 5K

Dig your fingers into your side and apply pressure. Seems to do the trick for me.

Standard advice on stitches is to make sure you are well hydrated before running and to take nice long and deep breaths during the run.
Well done on the progress so far.

If the stitch is on right side, put your right hand up in air (like you're back at school!), breath deeply & just slow it down a little, can continue running. Hand in air is meant to open diaphragm & do something technical (sorry I'm not an expert but it does work!!). Well done with your C25K journey so far!!
I get them continually. Another remedy that I've heard of is to exhale when your foot (opposite side of stitch) lands. I try all of these remedies. I don't favor one over the others, just keep cycling through them all. The unfortunate thing that seems to help the most is to slow down which is ok during a training run but who wants to do that during a race? Good luck for future runs.
Thanks everyone. I'll give these things a go when I do W6R3 tomorrow.