Really enjoying running but find the 5 minute warm up walk boring. I am on week 6. When graduate can we skip the walk or just do a minute? What do others do can you go straight into the run? Do not want injury either Thanks as always
Warm up walk: Really enjoying running but find... - Couch to 5K
Warm up walk
I basically no longer do warm up walks - my slow easy run is so slow and easy that I use it as a warmup and cool down. Just bear in mind that it takes some months for leg muscles to become used to the impact of running and hence it is important in the early days to walk as a warm up. But as you get stronger and fitter, light slow running can become your warm up.
Its there for a reason and that reason is to warm the muscles and preparing them for action. I wouldnt skip any of the warm up at this stage.
As you become more used to running you could drop some time and do some stretching. I tend to do about 2-3 mins then some light stretches before I set off
I still have a brisk walk for a few minutes while I sort out my music and running app. Think it's even more important if you've just dragged yourself off the couch!
I still do my walk it would feel strange not bothering. Sometimes I do 3 min sometimes the full 5. Sometimes a bit more if its really cold.
Don't skimp. Make it more interesting if you're bored. Do some arm swings, neck rolls etc etc. You need to be really hot before you start running. I do jumping jacks and all sorts
Since I started running my right achilles has always been tight when I get out of bed. Since I injured my left achilles I now have a matching pair. This makes me acutely aware of how much muscles can tighten while not in use and so I always warm up, especially in cold weather. I don't enjoy my brisk walk, but always do it, though I feel like running straight off. Towards the end, throw in some walking lunges and side skips, and stretches if you need them, then start off with a very gentle jog, slowly building speed over the first few minutes.
Obviously there is a big difference between getting out of bed to go for a run in the winter, compared to a run in warm weather, following a period of physical activity. The blood should be flowing well before you get going or the risk of injury is heightened.
I've joined a running group since graduating and when I run with them our warm consists of a light jog with side steps (facing both directions), heel flips, high knee skipping with opposite arm to let coming up and the occasional backwards show jog mixed in. This takes round about 5 minutes but is much more interesting and I find it gets my heartbeat going much better than the brisk walk.
The key thing is to remember to stretch well afterwards and warm down properly as your muscles actually contract when you run and you need to stretch them back out to avoid injury.
I cut the warmup walk short from early on in the program. I started in early March and it was far too cold at 6am to be strolling about in running wear (and if I wore too much I was far too warm when running). These days my warmup is walking downstairs and about two steps once out of the house. But I'm careful not to go off at a fast pace. But you have to do what's right for you YMMV.
I still do the 5 minute warm up walk. I followed Laura's instructions to the letter, I like following a plan It would feel strange now not doing it, it has become sort of a rituel.
I normally run at 6h00, about 15 minutes after getting out of bed, so I would not want to risk not doing the warm up.
A few days ago hilbean posted a link on here to a good article from runners world about stretching before a run. This advocated the warm up walk as an important and often neglected element. I still do at least 3 mins before running.
I guess that there are "warmups" and there are "warmups" - it is all very relative. Walking for 5 minutes is certainly a warmup when compared to still lying in bed! : -- but these days I don't really consider myself to be warmed up until I have done at least 1K at a slow trot. Even when I do a 5 minute walk after I leave the house , when I am feeling particularly "reluctant", it is still difficult to get going - but after a Klm or so, I start to feel a bit more "interested"!!
I was way too cold the other morning to walk. I'd never have warmed up, so it was a gentle jog while swinging my arms around like a mad women. I like the idea of the side-stepping and backward running though. Even running on the spot would be preferable to walking when it is really cold. I'm glad I finished the program while it was still warmish out.
I think of the warm up walk as more for my heart than for my muscles. I know if I go off at even a slow jog, I will be out of breath and really struggling...
I do my warm up walk as my Forerunner searches and sets my location, which is about 2-3 minutes.
Personally I think the warm up is important. I am often tempted to just get into the run, but have learnt that a few minutes brisk walk gets me loosened up. Some stretches, or shaking your limbs out are all good. Despite all of our exercise, lying in bed, or sitting all day is a great way to stiffen those legs up.
As per the majority, I would definitely say you should continue with the warm up walk - whatever the weather/temperature.
You've come so far you don't want to jeopardise anything.
Take care x
I like to cycle somewhere not too far away, say a nearby park, lock up the bike and run from there. It's a good way to warm up and I think less boring than walking.