I was interviewed recently by NHS Choices as I had taken up running having been diagnosed with high blood pressure and needing to lose some weight
Running has given me a new lease of life! - Couch to 5K
Running has given me a new lease of life!

Great article Andrew - you look really athletic!

Thanks for the link. It was nice to read of your success.

Brilliant another great success down to C25K wll done Andrew

Great article Andrew! It's good to hear how others have furned rheir lices round usinf C25k

Well done Andrew! Great article! Reading about other people's route to fitness will hopefully inspire them to give it a go.
You're looking great by the way

Very good article Andrew, a massive well done to you . Fit and healthy , looking good Andrew ! xxx
Great stuff Andrew... another true success story...

Lovely story, thanks for posting the link. What a great example you are for your boys.

Great story Andrew. Thanks for sharing the link.
Very inspiring post/story your family must be very proud of your achievements

Thanks for all your kind comments guys - I hope it will encourage others to give it a go, or to keep going with the C25k when it gets tough.