I thought I'd gone mad... this confirms it... - Couch to 5K

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I thought I'd gone mad... this confirms it...

36 Replies

There are no words... :)

Happy running y'all! :)

UPDATE: You can now add the London Zoo Stampede 10K to this - 14 Sep (new photo to prove it!)... Training run for the 21 Sep... Couldn't turn down running through the Zoo before it opens past the animals now could I? And it's another medal... :)

36 Replies
Vixchile profile image

Great picture, I think that list might get longer some how!!

in reply to Vixchile


I am sorely tempted but it's a week before the Richmond Race... let's not get completely loopy!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to

Thats a good one!! I would have to vote yes for that - its a zoo - in my head it will be all nice and peaceful all the animals will be having their breakfast watching you run past -very unique

in reply to Vixchile

Note my update above... fat lot of good you lot are... :)

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to

Maybe Mrs Aussie will be interested?

useitorloseit profile image

Mr Aussie - you appear to be shrinking dramatically. Soon all that will be left is the grin, like the Cheshire Cat, and a couple of leg muscles!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

Ha ha Use it , I like it :-D

Well Mr Aussie, you have definitely been bitten by the bug . Actually , it would be very interesting if you told us how much weight you have lost, you have done amazingly well :-) xxx Oh and can we have it in old money ie Stones and lbs rather than kgs , that's if you don't mind of course x

in reply to poppypug

Certainly not... I can do old money too... I've dropped from a 36 inch waist to a 32... A full shirt size and t-shirts are now medium or large rather than XL...

Total weight loss (and don't intend much more frankly) has been 3 stone and a smidge over 4 pounds... 21kg... :) Happy Aussie!!

Interesting that the scales haven't moved in the last month but body shape certainly has... :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

Well done Aussie, fantastic achievement , 100 % ripped :-) xxx

useitorloseit profile image

Wow that's amazing, though I'm not surprised as you have been going for it hell for leather! I could do with losing a few pounds after overeating for the last ... um ... year actually! My boy goes back to school on 8th, so I'll be back to eating sensibly and less vino collapso then. I'm already back on the beetroot and spinach smoothies - they do wonder for one's bowel!

in reply to useitorloseit

Haha! Flaxseed is good too! :)

My weight loss has been over the last year... The last 6 months aided by C25K... :)

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to

Also a fan of flax. Not beetroot though. Not 'cos it doesn't taste good just 'cos I forget I have eaten it and then later ... think I have hemmorrhaged.

in reply to Slookie

I take concentrated beetroot juice.. It comes with a warning about that! Lol!

AncientMum profile image

Woohoo! Can't back out now, it's all there in black and white. October's looking quite crowded, so good thing you get a bit of a rest until February. Happy competing! :)

in reply to AncientMum

Yep.. Quick burst of shorter events then 3 months or so of solid winter training awaits... :) Can't wait! They are all morning events and weekends so they will be treated as my "long runs"... :)

beforefifty profile image

Wow! Just wow! You have excelled yourself. I bet you have a few more entries on that list before too long. Your weight loss is awesome as well. Keep running :)

in reply to beforefifty

I was tempted by the London Zoo 10K Stampede on the 14th September but have (so far) resisted... :)

paul2014 profile image

No arguments from me, Aussie ;)

in reply to paul2014

Haha! Hope you're doing okay mate... been thinking about ya today... how you getting on?

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to

Not too bad (I see you've read my post re my physio visit today ;) )

emkeenan profile image

You are as mad as a box of frogs :) But congratulations all the same Aussie.

(Says the girl who can run 14 Km but won't enter a park run.)

Maybe we're all mad here !

in reply to emkeenan

Oh yeah, we're all that awesome kind of mad here alright... :)

Get yaself signed up to something before we sign you up Em... :)

jaxmc64 profile image

Ripped:) ..... Looking the picture of health Aussie!

Beautiful scenic loooong runs planned - & I love the in training T :)

congratulations !

in reply to jaxmc64

Thanks Jax! I haven't found my abs yet but they must be closer than they've ever been to coming out! :)

Loving the loooong run... and the t-shirt got a few knowing nods today.. haha!

ju-ju- profile image

great places to run, I used to be a member of Kew...is it running all round the gardens? That would be so fab!!!! well done you..... :)

in reply to ju-ju-

Yes - it's one of the few events that you run through the gardens themselves... then it's down the Thames Path to Old Deer Park (and your old haunts the Swimming Pools) where the finish line is... the HM path goes down to Ham House and back and finishes back at Old Deer Park too so once I'm done with the 10K I'll wait for the HM crowd to come in... :)

I also just found out about an event at London Zoo - running through the Zoo and Regents Park... it's a bit close to the Richmond one though really.. :)


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

Oh wow... Now that would be amazing.. And running through the gardens will be glorious, I'm v jealous!! :)

misswobble profile image

Well done Aussie! We have all on keeping up with you and your race schedule. Great news on the weight loss front!

in reply to misswobble

Thanks Miss W - I see these as training runs... they are all on Sunday mornings which lines up with my usual long run so I think it's a perfect way to keep training but in a "race" atmosphere... so long as I go easy this should be very achievable as I'm running at least 10K most weekends now...

You'll note in the last 30 minutes I've added a 10K as well.. London Zoo - how could I not! :)


Lovefood1984 profile image

Fantastic! You've put my running list to shame, 7th Sept GNR HM, 14th September 5k fun run, 9th. Nov 10k Mo run.......next race tbc (although a HM, I swear never again, training sucks when you're slower than a snail, sorry I mean it takes up too much time ;) ) hmmmm maybe I need to find more races, more races = more bling :D

in reply to Lovefood1984

It's all about the bling... You may have noticed I just added the London Zoo one... "entry fee includes entrance to zoo, running past the animals before the zoo opens, a goodie bag and a medal"... sold... :)

Thanks KK - training runs by a different name... no excuses for no long runs for September and October now with those 10Ks there to keep me running...

I've added one too in the last few minutes - I do love the Zoo... :)

Miles_Yonder profile image

Bloody hell fire, that's amazing, Aus! :-) That's putting my list to shame! That London Zoo run looks astounding; I wish you'd not shown me that. I do wish you, and others here, wouldn't encourage me like this. I can see an October HM becoming a reality before too long! Your progress is amazing, Aus and your weight loss incredible - very very very well done! :-)

CrazyKitty profile image

Oh no! The idea of the London zoo sounds wonderful! I'm half tempted to take a look esp as you say there's a medal on offer but I daren't as I'm running the HM at Kew the following weekend. It's my first HM and to say I'm nervous about it is an understatement! Good luck for all your training & races. Well done for your weight lose - can I add that I've lost over 50 lbs from my top weight (& kept if off!) so not far behind you! See you at Kew! I might just take a look at the London zoo 10k now! Lol!

in reply to CrazyKitty

Yay! Another forum member at Kew. I'm doing the 10K so if you let me know your race number I'll look out to cheer you over the line... Unless you finish the HM before my 10K... I reckon some of them might (show offs)... :)

Beek profile image

Thank you for starting this great thread! Wish I could join you but too far darn sarf I'm afraid!

Have fun and then tell us all about it!

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