W7R3 and first Parkrun: 3rd time lucky to type... - Couch to 5K

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W7R3 and first Parkrun

PandaRunner profile image
33 Replies

3rd time lucky to type this post so I won't attach the photo of myself looking very red in the face after my run and I will keep it brief!

I ran a very slow and steady 25 minutes to complete R3 :-) like run 2 I didn't use the podcast or music.

When I hit around the 20 minute mark I started to feel really stuffed up. By about 24 minutes I felt I could hardly breathe - as if sometime had been put over my nose and mouth! I got a bit panicy and had to tell myself to relax and not long until the 25 minute mark! Thankfully I managed it and had a much needed 2 1/2 minutes brisk walk before having a short run (forgot to time it!).

Finally after a brisk 2 minute walk I ran the final half km to the finishing line! Phew I did it! Me! With only 4 1/2 minutes walking! Whoop, whoop and another whoop because I can!

Out of the 436 runners, I came in 367th :-) with a time of 36:31 :-) I'm a very happy Panda!

Dare I say WEEK 8 - BRING IT ON! :-D

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PandaRunner profile image
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33 Replies
BoPeep9009 profile image

FanTastic PR!!! I was wondering how you'd got on! Totally brilliantly i'd say! Faster than a speeding bullet and well done for coping with the suffocation episode ...

Your lad must be well chuffed with his Mum! I'm deeply impressed - blinkin well done you!!! :-)

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Thank you so much BP! Haha faster than speeding bullet! Just one way not to describe me! :-D It was fab though! Running in a 5k and doing the timed runs really shows just how much you can do! It's hard to imagine what 5k is like when you are doing the podcasts. I was concentrating so hard I hardly noticed anything around me other than key markers! And not one single goose to trip me up! :-)

The suffocation feeling was horrible. My son said it's like an hayfever when your running! Thankfully it didn't happen earlier in my run!

Lol son was quite underwhelmed! He said it was ok. Husband not in the slightest bit interested!

anadelsur profile image

hi! Well done, Congratulations!!!

Best regards

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to anadelsur

Thank you :-)

misswobble profile image

Well done Panda. It sounds like you had quite a day!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thank you :-)

Vixchile profile image

Congratulations on your first park run and a great time too. Roll on week 8!!!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Thank you :-) I know, week 8 - who'd have thought!

catkin69 profile image

Congratulations Panda. You did so well to carry on with symptoms like that!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to catkin69

Thank you :-) Yes I'm glad it wasn't any earlier because I'd have been gutted if I couldn't do my 25 minutes run! But with a mixture of determination and stubbornness I was able to do it. The walk did me the world of good, I felt so much better afterwards :-)

no-excuse profile image

Wow! Well done, you have done so well! I was hoping you would enjoy it. And that's a great time too x

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to no-excuse

Yes it was fab! I'd met up with an old school friend who's not been running long. She was had started to walk back from the finish line to give me encouragement as I was finishing. Great to have someone cheer me over the line! :-)

turnturtle profile image

Well done Panda! Do you think your suffocation episode might be due to a high pollen count? The trouble with Park Runs is that they are run early in the morning when the pollen count is often at its highest. Maybe it's worth checking the met office pollen forecast before your run and taking an antihistamine the night before if it's likely to be high just in case? I've taken to doing that. In fact you've reminded me. Will take mine now as I'm doing a Race for Life in four hours time!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to turnturtle

I've never suffered with hayfever so I'd never had to give the pollen count a thought before! So yes very good advice, thank you. I will buy some tablets to have on hand. Good luck and enjoy your Race for Life later xx Mine is 3 weeks today - though after yesterday I feel much more confident about being able to run it then I did when I signed up for it! :-) C25K is fab! It almost works miracles! Xx

BettysbOps profile image
BettysbOpsGraduate in reply to PandaRunner

Yassss Panda runner, you're totally smashing through the goals!

This year is the worst hayfever I've ever had and I now have to take an antihistamine every day as it was previously unbearable after (morning) runs. See how you get on with Boots' own, I popped one yesterday 1 hour pre run and it allowed me to pop off a lovely 5k round the River Ness - where the pollen count is higher than you'd think. X

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to BettysbOps

Oh thank you! I'll go and get some today! I feel for hayfever sufferers! I need to plan tomorrow's run - I don't want to run out of distance! Haha! Xx

Bonniesingh profile image

Well done!! Brilliant time!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to Bonniesingh

Thank you :-) was all done slow and steady! Lots of others were rushing off and dropping back! Plodding on rules!

Love the chocolate! I have 2 labs :-) Truffles outer choccie princess and Sam our black lab :-) they are just waiting to be fed! So look very sorry for themselves! Bless! Xx

AncientMum profile image

Well done Panda, that's brilliant. You should be really proud of yourself :)

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Thank you :-) I am proud and totally flipping amazed! Haha!

poppypug profile image

Aw brilliant post Panda, well done :-) I have to take a allergy/hay fever tablet every day as I get so stuffed up , its horrible.

Well done on your Parkrun, and onwards to Week 8 Missus, theres no stopping you now ! :-) xxx

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thank you Poppy :-) I have found I tend to get a bit stuffed up while running but hadn't give it much thought. I am going to get some tablets today and take them before runs to see how it goes.

I was both nervous and excited about doing my first parkrun. As a C25Ker the aim is to be able to do the distance at some point! So to only walk for 4 1/2 minutes! Wow! The plan is fantastic! :-) xx

Hennypenny1010 profile image

Brilliant PR - I was just wondering how your park run had gone! Think that was so brave to run with other runners and you pulled it off well! I was in synch with you but have had to rest my darned ankle so will be a bit behind now. Well done again! You are more than ready for week 8

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to Hennypenny1010

Thank you Hennypenny :-) There is such a mixture of abilities that do parkrun - you just run your own run! Hope the ankle is getting better and stronger. At the end of the day you have to do what you need to. Don't feel you are getting behind! It's a journey not a race at this point! Good luck! Xx

pinkangel16 profile image

Wow, that's amazing, well done!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to pinkangel16

Thank you :-) It felt amazing! When I used to take my son to do parkrun, I never thought I'd being one day running them too!

Choccychic profile image

Well done Panda! You'll soon be running it in under 30 mins :-)

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to Choccychic

Thank you Choccychic :-) oh to be sub 30! :-)

I_will profile image

Yay! Sounds like you're doing great :-)

How did you find it without music/podcast? I found that once I had done that I couldn't easily go back. I like hearing my feet and breathing, helps me get into a good rhythm. Also the earphones really annoy me now!!

Have fun, you're nearly there!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to I_will

Ops your reply is below! :-D

PandaRunner profile image

Thank you :-) I haven't used the podcast since w7r1. So I think I may do the same again in week 8. Listern to any advise on offer for run 1. I did week 7 run 2 with a group and run 3 at park run which suited me down to the ground for the longer runs! I find having music and talking in my ears quite distracting. I love being at one with my own thoughts. I always have the option of music if needed. I prefer not to have earpieces in while near roads and such. Yesterday I found I was very focused. I was thinking things through all of the time and willing my self on. It's good to know you can do that for yourself! I'd have given up when I was younger, thinking I wasn't very good.

I can't believe I only have 6 more runs! Yesterday has given me so much confidence! Xx

Ullyrunner profile image

So you should be Panda! Good run and excellent time. Well done!

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Thank you :-) the words Gob & Smacked came to mind!

I used a gps app on my phone yesterday - it showed that I actually run faster than I brisk walk! I was amazed at that as much as anything! Haha! ;-)

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