I'm 30, 5'2" and 130 pounds, not in bad shape since I lift weights and somehow I've gained some muscles. I don't understand if it's is because of the shape of my body (wide latino hips) or what, but I'm the slowest runner of my community. I get exhausted quickly and I can't help to feel really disspointed when I see other people (shorter, overweight, even obese) running faster than I do. What am I doing wrong?
Why am I so slow??? Please, somebody explain! - Couch to 5K
Why am I so slow??? Please, somebody explain!

You're probably not doing anything wrong, running uses your muscles differently to weights. Stick with it

Don't get hung up about your speed. It's about distance. At the end of the day, it's better to have a good running technique than going fast. Look at it this way. You're faster than you were before you started this programme. Keep going.

You have to build up gradually. Also you might be a better runner than them over longer distances which you've probably not done yet as you have to build these things up gradually over time. Have patience! These things don't happen overnight. You have to give your body time to adjust. It's not about them! It's about you. If you are running with a group it's good as they will help pull you round. Don't give up!

Probably nothing 'wrong'. It's something you need to build up too over time. Once your fitness / stamina levels improve I'm sure your speed will too. Don't be too disheartened. Keep working at it
Lifting weights uses different muscles from running so being fit at the one thing does not mean you will be fit at another. Each different exercise that we undertake generally means starting from the beginning and building up our stamina levels and we do have to be patient. Also, bear in mind that running is a cardiovascular exercise - which lifting weights is not - so you have heart and lungs to take into account with the running. For the moment, stick with this programme, focus on building stamina and the amount of time you are able to run. Speed and distance can be worked on after graduation. Good luck with your next run and best wishes.
You're not doing anything wrong. Keeping a running motion going for the intervals for whatever week you're on is the key - not speed, not distance... it's all about duration. If that means you're slower than someone else - so be it! It's nothing to be worried about at all. Also, people that do weights rarely like running as it burns the muscle they've built... Cardio is a whole new world!
Personally, I find that running on my own means that I don't feel I need to compare myself to anyone else. Post graduation you can work on the pace if you want to... getting to 30 minutes of running 3 days a week is the goal. How fast you go is up to you... whatever pace works over the 30 minutes is "your pace". Keep to that until you're ready to speed up...
And remember that every runner was once a novice... they've all been where you are now!
Best of luck on your next run!