Just about to go for it!: Slim until my twenties... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Just about to go for it!

Wandering-Soul profile image
31 Replies

Slim until my twenties, then lost weight again when I fell in love with my husband...then put it on again once we started eating out a lot and were content....then lost again after a lot of effort....then had a very bad life experience which led to me comfort eating. Am now bigger than I have ever been (outside of pregnancy) and am very keen to slim back down. Especially because I am in my 40s. I am hoping that I can manage this with the help of Fitnesspal and this message board! Am also hoping to start From Couch to 5K. Need to lose 2 + stone. Not much support and a tendency to comfort eat. Any suggestions? Would be very grateful...:)

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Wandering-Soul profile image
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31 Replies
runner56 profile image

You sound similar to a lot of folk on here. I have been here for 4 weeks and have read that C25K has helped lots of people lose weight, regain their fitness and self esteem. I would recommend the programme (and have done) to anyone who wishes to take control of their health.and wellbeing.

You will recieve lots of encouragement and tips to help you achieve the goals.

Good Luck.

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to runner56

Thankyou very much. That is very kind of you. I definitely need motivating!!

ufon profile image

I also have this tendency to comfort eat, so I'm trying my absolute hardest to eat healthily and if I do slip up at least I know that I'll be out running very soon to burn off the calories rather than sitting on the couch eating yet more! ;) Good luck with run 1!

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to ufon

Thankyou! My plan is to try the first one when I have got back from work tomorrow. I will have lots of work to do when I get back, but hope to fit it in. I know it's important but it's easier said than done when you have lots of other things to do! I have seen some good ideas about what to do instead of comfort eat. I think part of it is to think of other nice things to do to 'reward' yourself. I went for the candlelit bath/bath with a book, as I often would like a bath to relax my aching limbs...but don't make the time. I am trying to value myself a little more!!

ufon profile image
ufon in reply to Wandering-Soul

I know all about having other things to do, I have a toddler and a 5 month old to clean up after! But I am fed up of being overweight, especially as I used to be super skinny in my youth. I don't expect to get that skinny again, but to be able to wear nice clothes without thinking "I can't wear this, my wobbly bits are way to visible!" would be lovely! I don't get the time for a relaxing bath anymore, so the half an hour runs/45 minutes are going to be my "me" time every couple of days :)

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to ufon

One of my biggest things is to be able to wear nice clothes again! Just as you said, be able to wear them and feel comfortable. Good luck! Keep up the good work. It is hard work with a toddler and a 5 month old; well done for getting started on your fitness now. The sooner you get fit, the easier it will be to maintain.

neatwheat profile image

I have just completed the C25K today (you are the first person to be told outside my family) and I can wholeheartedly recommend it! It has taken me 4 months rather than 2, and it hasn't always been easy, and I can't say that I have lost weight but I definitely have more muscle than fat now (especially in my calves). The biggest amazement is that I can run and I feel a lot better for it. One of the problems I have had is finding the time to go but it is less time sat on the couch being tempted to comfort eat......Go for it and keep us posted.

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to neatwheat

Thankyou for the encouragement. It is very kind of you. Yes, I think it is finding the time that is going to be tricky. I'm all up for it as an idea!!! One of my lifelong friends (who unfortunately doesn't live nearby) is in a similar position to me in terms of comfort eating. Her sister, however, recently lost a lot of weight and partly achieved it through C25K. She now runs regularly and to see a photo of her was nothing short of inspirational. So....I will try to get started tomorrow.

in reply to neatwheat

Well done on completing the programme. Are you going to put up a graduation post?

Welcome to the forums and well done on deciding to start C25K running programme. It is excellent. It seems as though you are starting to do the right things to get where you want to be. Quite a few people on here recommend MyFitnessPal for weight loss and the programme will help you to get fit and toned. I could also recommend Pilates for toning the body as well. I've worked mainly from a fitness book for Pilates so it can be done. You say you do not have much support. Well, your worries on that score are over - you will get encouragement and support in abundance from this community. All you really need to do now is to decide when you want to do your first run, go out and enjoy it, then put up a post so we can give you further encouragement. Just make sure you take a day's rest between each run as this is when the muscles recover and repair to come back that bit stronger each time. Good luck and best wishes.

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to

Thankyou so much. I feel quite emotional from all the support I have had already. You are all inspirational! I will definitely give the C25K its first airing tomorrow, and report back.

Azores profile image

Do go for it. The great thing about the programme is that it works and while the runs can be tough sometimes; you always feel wonderful afterwards. Lots of people talk about weight-loss but one benefit I have noticed is that my skin looks so much brighter for doing it. Seems to be better than any expensive face cream - that is cheering in itself,

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to Azores

Very encouraging! Thankyou. I am hoping to get more of that glow back!!

Rupertlebear profile image

Well, if it helps at all, I've just completed the programme (couch 25k) and lost a stone in weight, have lovely muscular calves, have the greatest sense of achievement I can ever remember having, sleep better, have a glow, feel fantastic, shall I go on?!

I have religiously stuck to the programme, running 3 times a week for the 9 weeks. This is in turn has made me consider things like not having a couple of glasses of wine the night before a run. The more weight I've lost, the easier I've found the running (getting fitter too).

I've become almost obsessed with the running, which is sort of how I need to be in order to lose weight, otherwise I do it half heartedly.

It certainly concentrates your mind - turning down a bar of chocloate is easy when you know how far you'll need to run to get rid of the calories!

The very best of luck. Do start the programme. I can't recommend it highly enough. It's so enjoyable. I feel so alive and vibrant. Go for it! X

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to Rupertlebear

Brilliant, thankyou. You're right, it is the little things that make a big difference. I am hoping that once I get started I will be able to resist the little things. And will gain all of the amazing benefits you mention!

no-excuse profile image

Welcome- I agree with everyone above, this really is a fantastic programme and the forum great for motivation. There are so many positive benefits from this, so please just go for it. Take it steady, take your rest days, stick with it and you will get your rewards. Make that time for yourself, write it on your calendar and do it, I know its hard to fit things in sometimes, but you deserve it, you wont regret it. x

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to no-excuse

Thankyou so much. That is great advice. I have a runner son, and a runner husband...so even more reason to try and get into it.

NickTuson profile image

I think you've done the two key things, looked at C25K and asked for help and advice, that's a really good start. My advice and I'm no expert (having just completed week 1), is to make sure you do the next step, which is to just start. Even after only week 1 I feel better, not just physically, but because I'm doing something about my fitness and health for me, because I want to. Just start! The fabulous folks on this forum will help with the rest!

Wandering-Soul profile image

Thankyou. I am looking forward to getting started. I decided to join Myfitnesspal; I have tried to use it on my phone, in the past, and it was too fiddly to use! Am now using on laptop -I have never really found a food diary that helpful but am assuming that combined with a fitness plan, it will be more powerful. My main focus is to exercise, with the hope that diet will start to sort itself out in the wake of it. I am already starting to be a bit more sensible with food, without really meaning to be. So that has to be a good thing!! Good luck with week 2. Right behind you with week 1!

Daisy-40 profile image

I can't offer much advice as I have only just finished week 1, but just wanted to say hi and give it a go.

I also have a tendency to comfort eat and one thing I liked about my runs was I was so busy trying to breath and count down to the next walk that all my negative thoughts disappeared. Also it felt good to be doing something just for me.

Good luck for your first run.

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to Daisy-40


Brilliant, thanks. Have woken up less positive about doing my first run...!!!....but will go for it because I have told so many people on here! I will let you know how I did!

in reply to Wandering-Soul

You'll be fine. Remember, you are doing this for yourself and it is one of the best things you will ever do. Please don't let yourself be less than positive, bit by bit, not only your fitness but also your self esteem will build up. Go gal! Cheers.

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to Daisy-40

Brilliant, thankyou.

Nilzed profile image

Good luck!

I use my fitness pal, under the same name as here, if you want to be friends there.

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to Nilzed

Thankyou, that's great.

kickibro profile image

We are all with you so you have lots of people who support you. I think one ofnthe biggest differences has been that my self esteem has risen. I am really proud of me. Life is not always kind but running makes me feel stronger and more empowered and ready to deal with what life throws at me. I am also tons fitter and have a more toned body that I know will only get more toned.

I am 47 but some people starting the plan are in their 60's.

As for making time, running is now top of my list of things to do. After all ehat is more important than your health? Xxx

Wandering-Soul profile image

This is encouraging news, thankyou. I am looking forward to making a difference to my health and fitness, and particularly my dress size! Just psyching myself up and going in a min.......:O

Wandering-Soul profile image

Well......news is .....I made it out, in spite of having loads of work to do. I had promised myself I'd go at a specific time, and off I went! Thought I might die after the first few minutes (joking, of course, but only just) but managed to keep going. I had one moment where I thought 'Hey! This is good!' and so am hoping to have a few more of those. I definitely found it easier towards the end, although was more tired. To be fair to myself, I had thought about the fact that my park has lots of dog walkers, and decided literally to take this in my stride (ie suss out the dogs and their owners as I run along to see how likely anyone is to chase me), however, I hadn't really given any thought to the fact that my park is H I L L Y. So, I think I did particularly well. I did finish and I feel really proud of myself. Trying not to think about weeks ahead, but stay focused on this week. Little steps, and all that...

ufon profile image

Fantastic news! Well done on getting the first run under your belt! :)

Wandering-Soul profile image
Wandering-Soul in reply to ufon

I thought I'd write a quick note -having had about 20 people wish me luck, I was overwhelmed by the positivity. You were the only person who then replied to this post! Thankyou! I haven't been able to get out since, due to work/evening meetings. Not sure that running is really my thing! I hope you are doing well with yours. :)

in reply to Wandering-Soul

Hi, I find, generally, that if someone has replied to a post they rarely go back to it later on. When you complete a run it's probably best to do a completely new post - that then makes it easier for people to see what you've been doing so that they can comment on it. I imagine you've done a few more runs since that first one - it would be lovely to know so that we can cheer you on. Good luck with your next run and best wishes.

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