Just had the most awful virus which has lasted well over a week. I still feel wobbly and I still don't feel like getting back to my slow runs round our local common. Is this that I am now out of condition and should give it a go-or is it my body saying it needs more recovery time?
Why should you not exercise when you're ill? - Couch to 5K
Why should you not exercise when you're ill?

I'd vote for more recovery time if you still feel wobbly. I'm recovering slowly from a virus and there are days when I just need to go and lie down. That said, there are also days when I go for a walk to see if it helps, and sometimes it does. But viruses can take a while to get over.

Thanks ajwyld, I'm sorry to hear that you have not been well, too. However it is reassuring to hear that someone else feels very like I do. Sometimes I feel okay and I go for a walk and then sometimes it feels like an an effort to put one foot in front of the other. Good to know its not lack of resolve and that my body is not backsliding towards the old couch. Hope you feel stronger soon.
Definitely listen to your body. Virus's can be nasty critters and to need to be gentle with yourself. Try walking first and see how that goes.
I'm inclined to agree - your own body is the best judge. Doing too much too soon could set you back a lot more than waiting a bit longer in the first place. Wishing you a good recovery and all the best when you do start running again.

Thank you all. It's what I felt was right but I am quite good at making excuses for myself. When I start again I'll be travelling at slug pace not my usual snail. But I reckon that any movement is better than nothing and I'll just start with a walk and gradually up the pace. I'll just smile and wave at any overtaking tortoises! : -))