Week 2. Love to run Valentine Quest - feel fre... - Couch to 5K

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Week 2. Love to run Valentine Quest - feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
50 Replies

Hi there and welcome to week two of the:-

Love to run valentines quest

Please feel free if you want to join. We are all about being inclusive. Just pop a post underneath with your name and what you are hoping to achieve by the weekend of 15/16 February 2014.

It could be times, distances or just an amount of runs a week. Which ever suits your own capabilities.

As you can see I am getting a bit better at this lark and have recently learned to pin a post so it's is easier for everyone to find. I might be slow but I get there in the end. That's my running mantra as well. Hehe.

























Happy running and take care

Rfc x

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Realfoodieclub profile image
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50 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well my running is getting back to where it should be now. I have officially found out that the iron is one the way up and my thyroid is in a good place. So its a good to go from the doctors. I feel I I have a bit to catch up on so I am just running for fun for this part of jantastic. I am going out three times a week and just running and enjoying it. There is time to get serious for the second part of janatstic. What I need more than anything is confidence. So I have started adding hill running in as well. I am really enjoying the challenge and sense of achievement, as I run further up the hill each time before I have to quit and walk. The endorphins are back and I am loving it. 1lb of my 3 Christmas lbs lost. So all in all I am in a good place. Hope everybody else is doing ok. Happy running.

Tinyrun profile image
TinyrunGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

That's good news about your health Realfoodieclub. I didn't join Jantastic but need to motivate myself. As you know I only graduated last week, but I've already lost my mojo. May I join here please even though I hadn't joined in the 1st week?

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toTinyrun

Of course you can. Welcome on board, your name has been added.

Tinyrun profile image
TinyrunGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Great I'm in the club. Thank you Realfoodieclub. Just did my 1st post graduation run and tried The Speed podcast! It was very hard but I did try. My goal is to do some type of running 3x a week. You're right London is beautiful today.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply toTinyrun

Hi tiny run Its easy to feel bit lost after you graduate and no longer have structure of Laura to follow These quests are good to give you short term goals to focus on I'm sure youll find mojo soon

Hennith profile image
HennithGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Glad to hear you've had such a good week Rfc! I'm afraid I've not been as motivated as you. I did precisely 0 runs I'm afraid. My access to my usual running routes has been shut off because of the floods and I just couldn't face running laps of a soggy cricket field. However, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps this morning, downloaded an interesting podcast to my iPod and did several laps of the field. I didn't quite manage the 30 minute run that I'd like to do as my knee started to hurt and I took that as my cue to stop, but on the whole a better start to week 2. Good luck to everyone else with their quests!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toHennith

Well done for getting out there. I know it is such a struggle with the weather. One of the things that is definitely helping me is it feels like spring here in london. You do right to protect your knee but you've made the crucial first step now, onwards and upwards

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Glad things looking up for you RFc Hill running sounds a challenge I did my 3runs last week although sat didnt go to plan Felt it was too icy to do parkrun so just spent 30 mins running diagonally up and down a very very small slope instead Did manage ok sh but will really need to bite the bullet and find real hill to try

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toFitfor60

It actually not as bad as I thought it would be. I can't do much of it but everytime I am adding a bit more in. I just love the feeling that I notice the easier run on the flat afterwards. I'm sure you will do well when you find one.

lizziebeth57 profile image

Completed my three runs last week. First two were horrible (tried stamina podcast and hated it) and next run was gruelling too. Third run was great, my best for about 6 weeks. Best in that I enjoyed it. The difference?

1. I went at an easy pace and took my time.

2. I consciously relaxed my whole body, especially my shoulders and held my arms looser and lower down (so not at 90 degrees)

I think I have been tensing up too much and my body has been tiring out because of this. So relaxed running from now on. The funny thing was my speed wasn't much slower at all :)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tolizziebeth57

Fanatsic. I know exactly what you mean that's what I am doing, going back to fun runs then I will work up from there. I think we get a bit bogged down with times and distances sometimes. Really happy for you.

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

thanks rfc, lets just enjoy the running for a bit!

Carolecal profile image

Well I managed three runs this week so I'm happy with that. I managed a 3.9, a 4.0 and yesterday a 4.2K ...no knee niggles, so I'm happy about that too.Despite the lovely weather here yesterday, I really had to force myself out of the door mid -afternoon ( I prefer morning runs but just couldn't prise myself from the duvet yesterday) and I truly think if I hadn't signed up for this and pledged 3-4 runs a week, I wouldn't have done it !

So, once again Rfc, a big thankyou for setting this up ......and good to hear things are improving for you on the health front .

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toCarolecal

Thank you. I know the prise yourself from the duvet routine. I allow myself 10 more mins then I have to get up. As soon as I am out of bed I am straight into running gear. That way I feel like I can't back out. If I didn't have my routines I am not sure I would make it out the door. Well done on your runs last week. Glad to hear the knee is behaving.

Legion profile image

It's good to hear that you're doing well Rfc. :-) I managed my three runs last week, the first two both 5K with extra walking. The third run of the week was a bit shorter (2 miles) plus walking. I'm still recovering from my Xmas bout of diverticulitis, no idea how long it will take to recover. It's good to have a goal to keep me focused and make me step out the door instead of wallowing in self-pity. ;-) My work contract ends this week, so I'm hoping that will mean more rest = quicker recovery = more running. :-D

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toLegion

Thank you. Glad to hear you are still on the road to recovery. I hope your routines go the way you want them to. I am with you on the making it up with walks as well. I just love being outdoors now. Hope it all keeps going to plan.

notbad profile image

I'm another one running for the joy of it, it's like spring today in the North east too, lovely running weather. Jantastic and this quest has definitely spurred me out there on those dark mornings though, and I did my promised 3 x5k last week. I had intended to do my stretching and strength training on non-run days but have actually done these daily, I have been neglectful of these in the past and I'm hoping that doing these will help the injuries and niggles I'm prone too - I need to be tough with myself on this one. So far, so good. :-)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tonotbad

Wow definitely sounds like you have a spring in your step and stretches. Well done you. May your next week be exactly the same.

Markee profile image

Had a good week. Ran 5k plus 2.5 minutes at the gym on Thursday, and on Saturday ran my first 6k.

Saturday is my only outdoor run til the days get longer, and I rather dislike the treadmill - boring scenery, too hot, etc, etc.

Supposed to be running at the gym tonight, but upper thighs still a bit painful from Saturday. Need to run 5k plus 5 minutes, that will have to wait til Thursday now.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toMarkee

Sounds like your doing well. I agree with you on the treadmill. I go indoors when it's icy. I have no idea where to look. I feel a bit self conscious. I realise I runs bit like a loon. Singing and half dancing. It's ok when your outdoors but you get funny looks at the gym. Hope you thighs ease off for Thursday,

Jellymum profile image

Well I managed to get out 3 times and log on Jantastic so I was happy with that. Sunday's run was great - tried out my new trail shoes and can honestly say I enjoyed every bit of it. We had beautiful weather and then got in the door and the heavens opened, so it was well timed. As for my goal of getting my daughters out for a run - no progress yet, but I live in hope!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toJellymum

I am sure the more positive results they see from you they will want to get involved. Sounds like you have found the right shoes if you can go out with new shoes and have a good run. Sounds like its all going really well.

hjs007 profile image

Unless I go first thing in the morning, I have an inner struggle to get out. However, once I'm in my running gear there's no turning back! I've had to change my normal routes to avoid flooding and muddy puddles, but I'm completing my Quest, running three times a week.

Today I added an extra hill and surprised myself by getting to the top with relative ease, running for a total of 36 minutes. I did the Basingstoke Park run on Saturday in 33 minutes - 9 seconds faster than a month ago. I love the surprised/impressed looks on my family's faces when I tell them my running routes - it makes me feel SO delighted and proud of my new fitness ..... Happy running everyone!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tohjs007

Wow sounds like you are going great guns. 5km in 33.09 that's fantastic. Well done. I can't say I'm doing hills with ease but I am enjoying them. Happy running to you too.

vikicats profile image

I've done my three jantastic runs - speed podcast, up the big hill by my house and back down (I normally go in the other direction) and 7.25k so I'm really pleased. Going to try to include the hill or at least part of it (it's steep and 1.5k long) every week.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tovikicats

Your going great. Seems to be hills are a big part of the quest for everyone this week. They are a challenge but I think quite good fun. 7.25k. That's a great distance, well done.

vikicats profile image

Thought I'd posted a reply but doesn't seem to have appeared so sorry if this is a repeat post!

I have completed my 3 Jantastic runs. Run 1 - speed podcast

Run 2 - up the big hill by my house and back down. (I normally go the other way!)

Run 3 - 7.25k

Will try to include the hill or at least some of it. It's very steep and 1.5k long.

Pleased with week 1. :-)

Anniemurph profile image

Hello - well, I ran for 31 minutes, which is an improvement on recent runs, so yippee! I've also started stretching after my runs because of the change in my calf muscles due to all this extra walking I'm doing. I've never needed to stretch before but obviously now things have changed. I covered 4.3km in my 31 minutes so I'm hoping to extend my running by a couple of minutes or so per week, and hopefully I'll be up to my goal of 5k by the end of the quest. Thanks for doing this!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toAnniemurph

Sounds like it is coming together for you. I am finding I am having to stretch after long walks too. I think it's we are a bit more protective of our muscles now. Nothing can interfere with our running can it, hehe. Happy running.

nextjenn profile image

Oooh...despite a horrid cold I am inching closer to a 5k in under 40 mins. 41:05 on the garmin! 10lbs lighter then 5 months ago so slow and steady. Thanks for doing these posts, keeps me reminded of my goal :)

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply tonextjenn

Can I caution those wanting to take steep hills. I did and hurt my ankle as the slope was just too steep. I wish I'd walked up it, or better still, avoided it completely. Three weeks to recover! Lesson learned. Too much too soon. Sigh

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply tomisswobble

May I join you please. I have run just twice since hurting my ankle (running up a steep slope). I had just started Bridge to 10 k when disaster struck. So, I need to get back to running and hope to run every other day from now on. I joined a running group prior to injury and ran with them once a week. I want to get back to fitness to be able to run with them as soon as I can. Looking forward to running with you all, starting today.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Of course you can your name has been added welcome onboard

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Thank you for that. It is easy to get too excited when we are doing something new. Caution is always a good thing with hills. I am glad your healing.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tonextjenn

Your doing well. I have no idea how you run with a horrid cold remember to give yourself lots of

TLC as well. Congratulations of the weight loss that's fantastic.

runningnearbeirut profile image

Only managed to run twice last week, and I'd really like to have the motivation to get out there 3 times. Unlikely to happen this week either, as I skipped yesterday (had what a felt was a deserved "chilling" time after teaching for 5 hours on a day which was officially a holiday). A student at school said to me this morning that she sees me running "every day", which did actually make me feel a bit guilty, so maybe that'll be my motivation to get out there again?

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply torunningnearbeirut

Hopefully this will give you the motivation you need to get back out there. You know it makes sense! LOL

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Just run Laura's "Speed" podcast. I found it hard work after my lay off

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply torunningnearbeirut

I'm sure the motivation is there somewhere. I know I had a deserved chilling time in Sunday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I watched an old black and white film while curled up on the sofa on Sunday afternoon. Sometimes we just need to recharge it does us good. Hope it goes ok this week.

Tinyrun profile image
TinyrunGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

Did my 1st Stepping Stones podcast today. So that's my 2nd run of 3 this week. Thank goodness for this thread.

christian1 profile image

I want to do 3 runs a week - life permitting - and build up to 5k from my rather pathetic 3k of the moment. Try to do a lot less walking breaks and do another Parkrun. But don't think I will get to parkrun till after that date, so actually

1. 3 runs a week

2. longer runs

3. fewer walking breaks

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply tochristian1

Be nice to yourself. 3k is good for you at the moment, be proud of it. It's not sitting on the couch your out there doing it. I am a plodder as well but three times a week I am out there. Welcome on board our little quest, your name has been added.

Tinyrun profile image
TinyrunGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

It's a week today that I graduated. :-) Did Speed podcast today so that's my 3 out of 3 runs done, though I did walk some of it. Also tried some hoola hooping, but was rubbish. Hope you're all going well out there.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply toTinyrun

I ran today. Started Week 2 of Sami Murphy Bridge210k. I was pants and walked a lot of it but I did keep going

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply tomisswobble

I ran again today. I did Week 9 of Couch again. Not very well admittedly but I managed to finish it in one piece.

Tinyrun profile image
TinyrunGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Good for you for starting the bridge podcast misswobble. I did an extra run today, but the other 2 this week were only 15 minutes. I tried my 1st Stamina podcast and it was really tough. The music was very slow too. I had to walk 4x and think I did about 40 mins, but I did about 40 mins on my graduation so I don't think it can be right.

Natalie01 profile image

Hi rfc, please can i join, since graduating on Christmas Eve i have now managed to run for 35 minutes covering 4k. That's the longest i have ever run. My quest is to get to 5k however long it takes me to run it, then i'll concentrate on trying to go a bit faster. I was trying to just stick at 30 mins and run faster each time but i've realised that doesn't really work for me and i was left feeling like i'd failed when i had hardly gone any further!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply toNatalie01

Of course you can. There are a few of us working towards 5km. Welcome on board your name has been added.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply toRealfoodieclub

When you graduated Tiny you would have run for 30 minutes. Added to that is 10 mins for the two walks, beginning and at the end. It probably felt like you ran for 40 minutes ! LOL

Tinyrun profile image
TinyrunGraduate in reply tomisswobble

That's the odd thing. I ran for around 40 mins today to get to 5k which included walking a short way 4x during that run. That didn't included my 5 min warm up and I didn't really do the 5 min warm down as I just stopped running when I got home. When I did my graduation run, I also think I did about 40 mins running to get to 5k and I didn't stop at all. I definitely was jogging very slowly on my graduation run so I'm confused. Anyway I think I need a bit more fuel before I run next time.

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