Interim Quest week 2 - feel free to join. - Couch to 5K

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Interim Quest week 2 - feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
26 Replies

Happy Christmas to everyone

I hope your week is going ok. I know the weather is terrible out there so running might be difficult for a few. Be kind to yourselves this week and remember Sometimes a bit of what you fancy does you good.














And me Realfoodieclub

Take good care of yourselves and

Happy running


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Realfoodieclub profile image
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26 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I managed three runs last week so I am up on my scheduled 2. Also been out this morning, which was a bit of an eye opener as I turned a corner and ran into a gust of wind. It made breathing very difficult and it was like wading through treacle so I eventually cut the run down by 1 1/2 min but at least I have the first run of the week under my belt.

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Well done for getting three runs in Rfc. Hope you are feeling better now.

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Well done Rfc. With all the work you do inspiring us, it's good to see the quest benefit you too.

Fitfor60 profile image

Was feeling really low this morning Wee grandson been in hospital since thurs after funny turn after normal treatment for his leukumia so we just been down there looking after his sister and brother as daughter had sickness virus Anyway looking ok as he responding to meds and hopefully get out pn Christmas Eve so they still planning to drive up for Christmas We back home but hard to get motivated to get organised as we having all our lot for Christmas Saw the rain this morning and thought not running then woke up to myself and thought get on with it if want to complete quest Best thing I could have done Started counting my blessings and actually things could be so much worse Grandson still smiling so this is just another blip in his 3yr treatment If house not clean and meal not perfect so what It's people that matter not things He still wants to watch me and his dad do parkrun on Christmas Day so here's hoping it dry Sorry for the moan but you all feel like real friends Hope everyone has happy Christmas and can manage to fit in some runs

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Your not moaning your sharing and that's what we are here for. Well done for getting out. Like you say it people this time of year. Hope you and your family get everything they all want for Christmas take care rfc x

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks The support on this forum means such a lot You and yours have a lovely time

flossieflyblow profile image
flossieflyblowGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Remember getting ready for my first child's Christening and my husband's aunt turned up really early whilst I was frantically hoovering. She said 'I don't know why you're bothering duck, you won't see the carpet when everyone's standing on it'. And she was right! The house etc doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things!

Hugs for your grandson and family over Christmas and hope positive thoughts keep you going!

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to flossieflyblow

Thanks for kind words Aunty is so right We have 7 grandchildren all under 5 so I like to make sure floor clean at start so they are only 'eating'stuff of floor that's only day old - if you know what I mean Feeling raring to go now -- still can't believe how good this running makes me feel. hope you and your family have great Christmas

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

This has put things into perspective for me. Wishing you & all your family a happy Christmas.

Jellymum profile image

Fitfor60 - much love to you, your Grandson and family this Christmas. How stressful it must be. Great that you got out there despite all going on, and best of luck for the Christmas Day Parkrun - hope your Grandson will be well enough to be there cheering you on.

RFC - Great on beating your target.

I have been to London for the weekend with husband and children, and had two fantastic runs. (that's fantastic as in really enjoyable rather than any great speed etc.) - Earlier this year I would never have imagined running over Tower Bridge, or past Parliament and the London Eye! It was a great way to combine running and sightseeing. And finally that little voice in my head that kept telling me I couldnt do it has learnt to shut up! We were lucky this morning in getting up early and running before the wind picked up - not sure I could have coped running into wind like we had later. Well done to everyone, and have a lovely Christmas.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Jellymum

Thanks jelly mum Your fantastic runs sound like the best kind -- sounds like you really enjoyed yourselves Does your husband and children run too? Well done for packing your running gear and using it Bet that wouldn't have happened pre c25k Have lovely Christmas

Jellymum profile image
JellymumGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Thanks - my husband and I did c25k together - he does faster / longer runs on his own and then comes out with me on my plods - our girls much preferred the staying in bed option! - before starting c25k I would never have dreamed of running, let alone on holiday! I struggled to run 1 minute at the start. It's a great programme isn't it!

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Jellymum

Amazing prog !! Brilliant that you did together And really good example for your children to see you both acitive and out in fresh air I think it sometime good to look back at wk 1 cos shows how far we have all come Enjoy Christmas

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Jellymum

Wow good for you taking every opportunity. I live in london and haven't done that run. Happy running

Legion profile image

Only managed one run last week, thanks to the lurgy and inclement weather. Finally got back out there this evening (with a break in the weather) and ran 5K in just under 40 minutes. :-D Very happy with that, especially as the lurgy is still dragging me down.

Hopefully I'll be feeling even better when I go for a run on Christmas morning and might set another PB. ;-) I've just re-graduated with tonight's run, and that's despite the sniffles. I can now run 5K (if not with ease!) and run faster than the first time I graduated, so I've got lots to feel pleased about, not least the fact that it's mid-December but I'm still running. ;-)

Huge thanks are due to all of you for your inspiring words and support. I'm yet to do my first Parkrun, but now I've completed c25k again I will look forward to wearing my graduation t-shirt with pride when I finally feel ready for the challenge.

Merry Christmas everyone. Happy running. :-)

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Legion

So you should be feeling pleased with yourself Well done for not letting weather beat you You will love park run I practised the route first when no one about which helped When I graduated I was doing 3k in 30 mins so I reckoned even if I had to walk rest that would be ok but on day I somehow just kept going and though nearly last I just felt so happy that I had managed the 5k Give it a go and you might just surprise yourself

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Thanks Ff60. :-) I was thinking about doing a 'dummy run' first too, so I might do that to give me a bit more confidence. I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I get there.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Legion

Well done on your re-graduation, I would give you a badge if I could. Great times good luck if your out tomorrow

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Feeling I have finally qualified to wear my graduate t-shirt again is a reward in itself. I might even wear if for a run in the morning (or whenever the weather is friendly enough to run in tomorrow, I mean today). Happy Christmas!

Anniemurph profile image

I managed one awful run and one good one, so that will do! The awful one was just me being a bit silly, really - I set off on a new route which was uphill for the first km and I never really got into that bit, then there's a long downhill swoop - great BUT it was really icy and after I'd slipped a couple of times I gave up and walked home. For the second run I deliberately chose the route I normally do, shortened it so I knew exactly where I was going to go so I couldn't dither, aimed to run for 20 minutes and managed 26 :) A lot of it, for me, is about managing expectations.

My next run is planned for Christmas Day (weather permitting). Happy running to everyone over the holidays!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

So brave on two counts, hills and ice. Well done, sometimes the familiar is comforting. Good luck if your out tomorrow I hope the weather is kinder

vikicats profile image

So far I have kept to my quest. Looking forward to running over the festive period. Getting out and blowing away the cobwebs. Good wishes to everyone this Christmas and their families. Happy running.

Viki :-D

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to vikicats

Happy running, I know what you mean about blowing of cobwebs. I am hoping the red wine allows me to still be able hehe.

waletta profile image

Failing on my Quest at the moment. Have only managed one run but did manage one of the kilometres at under 7mins. So not completely disillusioned & am looking forward to the boxing day run.

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to waletta

Anyone running is this weather is doing well add in Xmas it's brilliant. Pat on the back time for good timekeeping I think. Under 7 min sounds good

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks Rfc. All encouragement gratefully received. :)

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