Well, after an indulgent weekend ( wine and chip heavy) which was also my two rest days after W8, I was itching to get out this morning.
Heavy rain yesterday resulted in the chalk track strewn with slugs....big ones ( 4inches long and as thick as your finger) which I attempted to weave my way round as I went. Also snails , most of which appeared to be in pairs ...? yeeuch don't even go there...!
Despite the profusion of slimy,crunchy wildlife underfoot I had a lovely run.I didn't even mind that J**** cropped up again,at least it was only during the warmup walk and that didn't seem as bad somehow.
Almost as soon as I started to run I got that "tingly arms extending up to the head feeling" ....I felt so good to be out there ( do I sound a bit mad ? well I am a bit anyway !).
I didn't get the usual struggle and slog feeling I almost always get in the first 10 minutes.....thats's a first ! I can honestly say I enjoyed the whole thing and though I kept my pace steady I really upped it for the last five minutes or so and I realised I had a huge grin on my face
Today was the best....I wish it had been my Grad run really , but I willl just take Runs 2 and 3 as they come this week - I finally feel as if I've got the hang of this continuous running thing....though keeping everything crossed that I don't go slipping on slug slime.... or worse.
Hope you've had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.
Happy running all