I woke up this morning and didn't feel THAT brilliant, but I donned my running gear, fed the cat and swallowed a few mouthfuls of porridge. Off I went on my 5K route that I've become to know so well.
Digressing slightly......You know how some cars are sleek, slick, beautifully shiny with flowing curves? And there are others, a bit like a brown 1970's Allegro, covered in rust? Well my 5K run this morning was like the latter. I plodded along at around 6'15sec per K but about half way through, I had an attack of nausea. "I'd better stop" I thought, so I walked for a short while and it subsided thankfully. Off I went again, up a long slope which was really telling my legs "Hahaha! Take that LEGS!" I reached the top, sloped down the other side and had to stop again for a short walk. I set off running and eventually completed the distance in 33 mins which actually I was amazed at. In fact Mrs Endomondo told me I had covered 5.8K???? Whaaaat? That MUST include my warm up walk I think.
I think back to my "ferrari" run on Graduation day. I did it in 28'32 then, which is 5 mins faster. I wonder if ever again I will ever reach such dizzy heights? But then again, if I don't.....WHO CARES?!!!
Happy running folks.