COPD - please, please help me.: I'm so sorry... - COPD Friends

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COPD - please, please help me.

puddy68 profile image
2 Replies

I'm so sorry, it was only yesterday that I said I wouldn't post again for a while. And I feel that I must apologise, as I realise there are so many people much worse off than me, yet I can't stop crying. I can't get out of bed to face the day. Please forgive me for sounding so pathetic.

I was recently diagnosed with COPD [moderate - FEV1 50%]. I found out last week after being released from hospital post pneumonia. They put me on Trimbow twice a day, and I see the respiratory team in another 6 weeks. I [obviously] have an anxiety condition which I am receiving treatment for.

Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions regarding COPD, but I just can't get my head around the fact that I can't halt this disease, no matter what I do to help myself. I am 55 years old and my son and husband are the lights of my life. I had this [stupid] idea in my head that by doing all of the right things I could stay alive for at least another 20 years to be with them. The thought of waking up with this utter despair every day terrifies me.

Could someone please, please share a positive story/experience to help drag me out of this hole of despair I have dug for myself? Thank you so, so much, and I'm so sorry to post once again. I feel nothing but despair.

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puddy68 profile image
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2 Replies
highburyted profile image


I’ve had COPD since my 30’s and pretty much lived a normal life. It is very well managed today, I too use trimbow and I also have a nebuliser with has salbutamol. I use this if I get a bit breathless and it clears the airways.

When you get a disease that is down as incurable it can be very frightening but I’m certain you will be ok.

Oh, I’m overweight as ever but this is not caused by the restrictions of COPD and when I’m exercising I can do fitness well.

I’m 69 now by the way.

Have faith you will be ok, there’s plenty of managed treatment out there.


R2B_John profile image

As said before, I was diagnosed almost 20 years ago. While my FEV1 is just 20%, I get along just fine all things considered. In fact, my wife and I just got back from a conference the the Lung Association meeings in Baltimore where I am a panel member.

You need to own and accept your condition. No, it isn't fun, but it is what it is.

I have COPD. It is not curable and it is progressive. Nonetheless, I own it and live my best life possible. It is MY story,,,,MY journey,,,,,and I determine how happy I will be.

I am pleased to speak with you off-line, and no offense meant, but the "woe is me" is counter productive and won't get you anywhere.

Happy to help,,,,,but YOU get to write your next chapter. Make it a happy and productive one.


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