Just spent a week in hospital with chest infection. Discharged with a change of medication- Spiriva to Trimbow and a big dose of Prednisolone, much more than ever before. So far the Trimow doesn't seem to help and I am relying a lot on the Salbultimol reliever, which normally I wouldn't need. I wonder how long I should persevere before deciding to go back to Spiriva. The GP says I would need to take Fostair as well (previously just had Clenil steroid inhaler as a preventer.) Any advice or similar experiences? Thank you.
Change from Spireva to Trimbow: Just spent a... - COPD Friends
Change from Spireva to Trimbow
Trimbow is a triple inhaled therapy, containing 2 different types of bronchodilators (LABA and LAMA) as wellnas an ICS (inhaled corticosteroid). Triple inhaled therapies are typically quite effective. I am not a doctor, so I can't suggest how long to continue trying it. I think, and know from experience, it does take awhile to recover from a hospitalization regardless of the medication. I would vote to give it a but longer, but by all means stay in contact with your doctor.
After a week of perservering with Trimow and being in increasing distress, I went back to the Spiriva and Clenil and immediately felt my breathing stabilise. I'm still poorly and my oxygen levels are right down on pre hospitalisation ones but it's bearable. I would like to know why the hospital doctor decided to change the medication which had served me well for a decade and why I had to endure a week of utter hell. It's frustrating not knowing.
Possibly, he thought a triple-therapy woyld help. Sadly, we often don't know until we try, but GOLD has come out in favor of attempting a triple therapy inhaler as research has shown these drugs often work better in conjunction with each other.That obviously wasn't the case for you. Glad you are back to what has continued to work fir your situation.