hello all I am new here diagnosed COPD moderate in 2019. I see quite a number of members mention having an Xray, Is this usual as I have never had one since diagnosis I am an x smoker .
COPD and Xrays: hello all I am new here... - COPD Friends
COPD and Xrays

Hello Comp and welcome to the site, yes having an x-ray is quite normal so please don't worry. I hope you keep posting as we are a very friendly lot, like one big happy lung buddy family. We love having a laugh he, and a chat, and we are all very supportive of each other. Have a lovely evening and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻
If I have an exacerbation my doctor will often send me for an X-ray to be sure I don’t have an infection or pneumonia or maybe something worse.
I have had problems for months now wheezing cough breathing difficulties with cough using reliever several times a week and sometimes daily but dont seem to get anyone at surgery to take seriously. Last chest x ray was 2019. They seem to blame heart failure every time but my Heart nurse has confirmed it is not causing problem. Each health check is noted as no exacerbations in last 12 months and I dont understand why. I asked about emergency pack and was told not needed. Thanku for reply I have only had breathing tests at surgery with nurse on initial diagnosis 2019
Hello Company. I know everything is still getting back to normal with gp surgeries still. But I should try to make an appointment for a lung function test. Which should be done every year. And ask you then if you need an X Ray. I was diagnosed in 2019. With severe copd and never had an x-ray. Take care Brian
I have had problems for months now wheezing cough breathing difficulties with cough using reliever several times a week and sometimes daily but dont seem to get anyone at surgery to take seriously. Last chest x ray was 2019. They seem to blame heart failure every time but my Heart nurse has confirmed it is not causing problem. Each health check is noted as no exacerbations in last 12 months and I dont understand why. I asked about emergency pack and was told not needed. Thanku for reply I have only had breathing tests at surgery with nurse on initial diagnosis 2019
Things are different over there in the UK it seems. When we are first diagnosed here in the states we are always given a chest x ray right off the bat.
The purpose of a chest X-ray is to see a flat image of your lungs, heart, airways, and the bones in your chest and spine. If a person experiences symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pains, a chest X-ray is usually the first diagnostic tool used.
By reading a chest x-ray, your doctor can determine if your symptoms are the result of a heart issue, or if you have a collapsed lung, pneumonia, a broken rib, emphysema, cancer, or other related health condition.
But they also do additional tests, like the walking test, breathing tests etc. Nothing invasive - just boring.
If you have been smoking for many years (I think its over 20) then here in the states we are given LDCS. Low dose cat scans. These are far less bad stuff than a chest x ray produces and gives a more accurate in depth scan of the lungs to help the doctor.
I have had problems for months now wheezing cough breathing difficulties with cough using reliever several times a week and sometimes daily but dont seem to get anyone at surgery to take seriously. Last chest x ray was 2019. They seem to blame heart failure every time but my Heart nurse has confirmed it is not causing problem. Each health check is noted as no exacerbations in last 12 months and I dont understand why. I asked about emergency pack and was told not needed. Thanku for reply I have only had breathing tests at surgery with nurse on initial diagnosis 2019