Hi All,
Firstly I'd just like to say how great this group is and how we all support each other!!
Secondly, I'd like your opinion/thoughts please if possible?
I have been for multiple chest x rays and they have been fine. Was still feeling ill not long after and Dr's sent me for another one and then referred to chest clinic/consultant. He stated that they think i have Asthma/COPD issues. Very likely to be COPD (not definite!) they said they can't get me in at the mo for tests at mo due to backlog of people, no spirometry is available either. They say the 'pragmatic approach' would be to give me a combo inhaler (LABA included). However, I've had major side effects off all LABAs I've tried! I spoke to an Asthma nurse and she has said that this may only be Asthma related and that I may only need an ICS to tackle the inflammation which may be causing the problem!
I I feel i need a diagnosis to confirm what I have so I know which way to go, but no tests at mo!!
Is it best to ask for an ICS now due to the above issues. Could this be just asthma related and I'm being prescribed a LABA just in case it's COPD?
Has this happened to anyone else at all please? Let me know if so please?