Why is it that we read of success they've had with lab animals using retinoic acid (a derivative of vitamin A) in repairing alveoli and then they tell us NOT to eat carrots or drink carrot juice while they (researchers) conduct 35 more years of "research"?
VITAMIN A REPAIRING AVEOLI: Why is it that we... - COPD Friends

If I did everything "they" told me , I would starve to death.
Why do they say not to eat carrots?
I want to know that too
Because they are afraid you'll OD on Vit A. Too much can be bad.
Hi....I have heard of people who get water intoxication from drinking too much water, but I haven't heard any problems in over indulging in carrots, have you?
People that consume too many carrots can turn orange.
Vitamin A well I will now be taking that. They researchers need to fast track now and come up with a solution. Repairing of alveoli in animals have much further have they got with this research. Who did is doing this research?
Retinoid acid is in many ant- aging creams. If you just Google retinoid acid and emphysema TOGETHER...you will see that they have been researching this for almost decades. I do not know who told you not to eat carrots or drink carrot juice...Orange and yellow vegetables are very lung friendly, just like sweet potatoes and pumpkin. Tomatoes are also a friendly lung food. All be validated in medical journals or ask your dietician or the one at your local medical facility.
Take care morehope.....stay well.
Very good RedSox....yellow and orange foods are the foods that help lungs....Tomatoes too... Vitamin A...is Retinoid Acid...it's in all top anti-aging creams....beta carotene is a milder derivative of Vitamin A. My physician is all about the colorful veggies.
Right on! The more colorful and the deeper the color the healthy.
What if any progress has been made on this research.