I am thankful for responses. My husband cant get out with the cold weather. So hard to seevhim cooped up everyday with little to do. Live in Wyoming very little support. I have anxiety very bad and can't take meds can't afgord insurance. Someone please let me know what I can do to help me accept and get through this long road with my husband.
Trying to have hope: I am thankful for... - COPD Friends
Trying to have hope

I walk my dog twice a day, no matter what. I struggle in cold weather. I am stage 3. I think a big part of why I haven't died yet is because I walk Harry, cold, hot, rain, snow, whatever; I recommend that your husband try his best to get active, whether or not.It has worked for me for two years so far. And you have my best wishes.
I have to make myself go out in the cold but I do it.i always feel a little better afterwards. My husband pushes me to do it. I used to get angry at him for nagging me but I realize he does it for my wellbeing! Always wear a scarf to cover my mouth and nose I hope this helps a little bit. Good Luck to you
I have a hard time breathing outside when it gets bitter cold (I live in Western NY). I put a scarf over my mouth and nose so the air I breathe in gets warmed a bit. It really helps.
How long have you had it? What stage are you in.
You can dance indoors. Turn on some music and slow dance a few minutes each day. You will appreciate the time with each other. Instead of sitting around and getting depressed or watching tv all day. There are tons of exercises you can find on U tube for you both to do together. Take your time - these are some of the best youtube.com/watch?v=iIrAUL_... - she does many others too. Just pick one - its ok if you cannot do it as fast as her.