Hi i have COPD also i'm on a CPAP Machine just got a New one Resmed Air Sense 10 Elite, with a Resmed F20 Mask what a change from a Nasal Mask iv'e used for year's my breathing has improved since using this new machine has any other member's here feel the same are their anyone else here with COPD & using CPAP ld'e like to here from you Please, how we struggle at time's and sometimes laugh
COPD & CPAP: Hi i have COPD also i'm on a CPAP... - COPD Friends
I , I don't use cpap & wonder myself it it would help with copd. I hope you get more responses. Feedback is always helpful. Walking & drinking a lot of water helps me the most. Hope it continues to help you also. Terri
I have been on a CPAP & a BPAP for over a decade due to severe COPD & Sleep Apnea. A few monts ago I got a Triology Machine, w/ a Res Med mask. What an improvment! I can not speak highly enough how much better this is.
valeriejean, what is a Triology Machine?
it is a non invasive ventalator. bpap feels like a wind tunnel compared to it. it is so quiet and gentle. the first time i wore it i could literally feel my lungs moving. i am very severe stage 4 copd emphasea and asthma. 20 fev to 30 fev now that i moved to sea level. have to use 5 LMP when walking, other wise 2-3 at rest all depending on how i feel that day. Oxygen 24/7. i see you stated that you were given the option of night time oxygen or a bpap. I hook my oxygen into my machine....good luck. love the res med mask so much more comfortable than a full face mask as i am a mouth breather.
Hi haven't a Clue what a trilogy machine is but i will google it, if you have got the ResMed AirFit F20, full face your on a winner i love mine changed from nasal to full mask a week ago never slept better and my mood is better, i'm the same as you for Praise, take care
I have the Air Sense 10, but I don't think mine is the elite. I went on a cpap machine last March when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea (I also have emphysema and a history of lung cancer). I currently use the nasal mask (only a problem when my sinuses act up, which is a lot lately). I had the full face mask, but I sleep on my side and kept "bumping" it in my sleep and causing it to leak. But lately with the nasal mask more often than not, I wake up with a very dry mouth.
My main issue is that my breathing gets very shallow when sleeping so my O2 level drops into the low 80's to low 70's. I was given the choice of a cpap or nigh time oxygen. I shoulda went with the oxygen. I have grown to hate my cpap.
Hi Katherine, Sorry to hear what you are going through, have you told the hospital your feelings toward Cpap for dry mouth a humidifier would stop that goes on side of machine ? iv'e had a Nasal Mask for years (i can laugh now) but i had nasal cones up my nose then i taped my mouth to get a good seal then i couldn't breath then panic set's in omg i could tell you more of the horror's with nasal,
Sorry you can't get along with full face mask, this is my first time on full face i can breath better now with it,
Can you still ask for night time oxygen and try that out, sleep is important to us i must say my mood has changed for the better since Air Sense i'm getting a better nights sleep, i also suffer from emphysema, Dr's put me on two type's of Antibiotics every month i take them permanently along with pumps ect.
sorry to have gone on but it's nice to hear someone else's view, thank you, D

I have the humidifier on my machine. I bought that stupid chin strap, did nothing.
I told my PC that I hate that machine, he told me I need it.
As soon as I find a new pulmonologist, I am going to have that conversation. In the meantime, I am going to see about trying the new full face mask with the foam cushion.
I also have an issue with CO2 retention.
Anyway, I am glad you are doing so well on the cpap.
I was going to try that new full face mask with the foam cushion, but my CPAP supplier told me that she does not recommend them because you are supposed to clean your mask daily, you can't get that foam wet, so proper cleaning is not possible.
However, there is a new smaller full face mask available which I am giving a "test drive". I only have 2 issues with it so far, bottom sides tend to leak occasionally and I am still breathing through my mouth at night, only now I wake up so dry my mouth actually hurts so tonight I will try adjusting the humidity level.
Anyway, if you want to check it out it is Amara View minimal contact full face mask.
Here is a link to give a bit more info: sleeprestfully.com/Amara-Vi...