I'm new to COPD, the doctors say it may have been caused by my parrots, they call it bird fancier's disease. Has any body else started out this way and recovered to the point that you don't need oxygen? I'm on oxygen 24-7 at 2.5. Does anyone know what the COPD stage rating is for oxygen use?
Parrots: I'm new to COPD, the doctors say it... - COPD Friends
Hi boatgal; All I know is that my doctor told me not to go below 88 as I would do into hypoxia. I usually ran around 95 without oxygen but can breath much better at a higher number. I use oxygen only at night and when I go out for my walks or to run errands in town. I'm on 3 liters. Not sure if this answers your question but I hope it helps.
I used to have parrots, and have a friend who used to breed and competitively race pigeons. Cockatoos (and that includes cockatiels) have a "powder down" gland in their back area that they preen with to keep their feathers conditioned. If you've ever had a cockatoo, you know that if you pet them, you're hand will be coated, almost like talcum powder, or it will come off on your clothing. African Grays are also powder birds. Most other parrots have feather dust, which also helps them preen and condition their feathers. Health conditions can be caused, or worsened by these substances. Included in a really good article I found online (birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww59e... at "Birds N Ways" is the following information: "There is a disease called allergic alveolitis (also known as budgerigar dander pneumonicosis, bird breeder's disease, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and pigeon breeder's lung) which affects the lungs and occurs in people who are hypersensitive to feathers, feather dust, and fecal material -- expecially from pigeons and budgies." For years I had a number of parrots, including an African Gray and a Greater Sulfur Crested Cockatoo (big one like the Barretta bird, for us old enough to remember). Since I smoked for 37 years, and many in my family have had COPD and emphysema (my Dad died from emphysema at 55), I'm sure they didn't cause my issues, but they probably didn't help at all!