What are the signs of death with cobd
How long to live: What are the signs of death... - COPD Friends
How long to live
No pulse, no respiration. Cold skin, blue lips. Rigor mortis. Unresponsive.
Hello Adnil487 and welcome to this group.
If I may first answer your question with another, I am curious about your condition at this time if you don’t mind. I was diagnosed a year ago with mild copd that seems to have worsened over the past 4 months. But I am working with several doctors of whom I keep asking questions while we try to figure out what will work for me.
One article describes end of life as “Patients’ last days of COPD can be characterized by depression, anxiety, pain, and dyspnea.”
I’m not sure by your question and condition if you are in a bad way or just curious. I can honestly say that I do experience these four things multiple times weekly. Even though my road has been a huge struggle at times I feel that I am far from the end. Unfortunately there can be many negative things that can get in our way with this disease. Please let us know how you are doing.