Following a flare up of UC (5 years in remission no problems) my boyfriend had an emergency subtotal colectomy and now has an ileostomy. Hadn't had any build up or preparation for this op so all a big shock. Had been in hospital for 2 weeks before operation so had lost a lot of weight and was very ill. Took 2 weeks to recover and be discharged following op.
We are getting used to his stoma and he is doing brilliantly with it and has found a bag that doesn't leak and he is confident with. Biggest problem is with his abdominal wound which is taking a long time to heal and still requires daily dressing and is very painful. The community nursing system doesn't help and on top of dealing with all this is having to negotiate how to ensure he has dressings and someone to help change it.
Slowly putting on weight and doing more but very tired and finding it hard to deal with some days. Ended up back in hospital last week with suspected sepsis but discharged following day.
I would be interested in speaking to anyone in how to support him when he is very low and down.