I'm new here. I'm looking for tips on... - Living with a Stoma
I'm new here. I'm looking for tips on how to manage a stoma. What bedding do we use ? Which bag to use if skin is sensitive. Thank you.
Hi. Your stoma nurse is the best person to advise you about products as there are so many types of bag available, and you can also get samples direct from the various providers. There are also good barrier sprays and creams to use to protect sensitive skin. I use Coloplast products as they suit me, and the staff at Charter (the distributer) are very knowledgeable and helpful. Their adhesive doesn't irritate my skin, and I always use remover spray when changing bags to avoid pulling my skin.
As regards bedding, I don't think you need anything special - just stuff that can stand a hot wash in the event of any accidents - and a good washable mattress protector. I have duvets that can be washed in a domestic machine too. in the early days, I slept with a towel underneath me - just in case. I found waterproof mattress covers and pads just make you vey hot.
Once your stoma has settled and you find the bags that fit and suit you best, leakages are rare, I've found, and that's increased my confidence immensely, especially when it comes to staying away from home.
Hoping you find the products and help you need. x
Numi - thank you so much for your response - it will help me to help my Hubby, who is very concerned about leaking and making a mess. I'll keep in touch. Hope you are doing well.
Many thanks.
Numi is absolutely right, your stoma nurse will have an extensive knowledge of products available and suppliers will be delighted to provide you with samples of the various products. I had my surgery in April 2016 and I am still on the pouches that I was initially supplied with on discharge from hospital, the Welland Aura Drainable Pouch Maxi - I prefer the Clear front as this allows me to monitor the output more effectively. Once my stoma had settled down my supplier, Securicare, - supply them pre cut to fit my stoma ie pre-cut to 29mm. So far as bedding is concerned, still using the same sort of stuff we had before surgery. So far I have never leaked in bed but have come close on only one occasion. As Numi stated as long as the bedding is machine washable at high temperature I wouldn't have thought you should have any problems. There is a wealth of information out there on the internet the only problem is finding it! I came across an interesting site a few months into my new status, it is run by a guy called Eric in Canada, despite the site name being vegan is not mandatory! There are some quite good video's covering lots of topics and products. He put me on to Trio Pearls (used to thicken watery output) and also a supplier of swim wraps. Some of the supplier are North American but I have managed to find corresponding UK suppliers. Most important bit of advice is be careful lifting, coughing, sneezing etc, I learnt too late to support my stoma with my hand when coughing & sneezing, I understand it is quite common to develop a parastomal hernia and I have to wear a support belt, really don't fancy more surgery to try and fix as I am told they can reoccur. Once you get into the swing of things you should virtually get back to normal. Best of luck.
Thank you very much Howlinwolf999, for also responding to my questions - it will take a bit of time to adjust, but I am sure we will manage, with the help of the HealthUnlocked Community. I just want to ensure that my Hubby regains his confidence.
Hope you are doing well.
Thank you.

Hi LyndaLeslie, One thing I forgot to mention, I quite often have watery output so I use a Trio Pears gelling sachet to help thicken things up. See I sometimes use it during the daytime but just before I go to sleep I empty my bag and always put one in my bag. It is pretty much precautionary but if the worst were to happen, in my case hasn't so far since April 2016, clearing up should be more manageable. I hope you both keeping well and hopefully your hubby is slowly gaining confidence regarding leaks in bed.
Best of Luck
Hi there
Yes there loads of companies out there but you may not get the information you need. I had some skin irritation from the Coloplast adhesive. Coloplast is a good product but not always the best one one for sensitive skin, try any of these companies who will send you free samples.
Salts Health, Welland, Dansc, Hollister,Convatec Pelican and Oakmed. Ive trailed the last two which are excellent but i going to opt for Oakmed because it has alignate in the seal adhesive, they also provide other products if itching is a problem.
The key is to have a bag that you are happy and confident with and it fits the curvature of you stoma and stomach avoiding the dreaded leakage. You do not really need any special bedding I've kept what ive been used too.
Good Luck
Thank you shorcara1956 for your response. We are beginning to get used to changing the stoma bag, etc. We will contact our Stoma Sister for advice, however she is working for Coloplast, so perhaps we will have to see if there is anyone else available, who represents a different company.
Hope you are doing well.
Best wishes,
Hi my partner uses coloplast too which he is really confident with - he does get sore skin at times but was really bad at the start when he did have some leaks and it sits on the skin. Different makes suit different people depending on skin, if you have tight skin or some rolls and it really is trial and error and at the start the stoma nurse is your best port of call. Ours used to come round every 4 weeks and we now only see her every 6 months (2 ys later). We got used to just shoving everything in the machine if there was a leak which was always middle of the night. Never bought anything special but have got through a few cheap duvets and mattress protectors as some weren't salvageable. My other half was mortified and really embarrassed by this especially if ive rolled in it in bed but we get through it and laugh about it now.
Beccarer ! Thank you for your response ! My Hubby is also mortified about the thought of messing the bed, but I am trying to be very practical about the whole thing, hoping that will make him feel more at ease. I think I would like to get some sheet savers, etc, just to make him feel more secure at night .... why does it always happen at night ? I'm glad you have reached a stage where you can laugh about things, I'm afraid we are not at that point yet. I'm hoping he will soon understand that this "stoma" saved his life.
Hope you and your partner are doing well.
Very best wishes,
I'm looking at having a stoma and I too am petrified of it. I'm mortified of leaking in public or bed like your husband. I have so many questions I've asked on here but no one has replied yet hoping they will. I really hope your husband was.put at ease x