Does pencil stool that has happened one time only, necessarily mean colon cancer? I had BM this morning and everything looked fine (normal shape, size, color etc), then in the afternoon I had those 2 thin pieces of poop that looked kinda odd - kinda like pencils, or like the smallest finger my hand. They might have been “leftovers” not being passed through with my BM in the morning, however since almost all google articles say “narrow or thin feces” indicate colon cancer, I am kinda scared.
Pencil stool = colon cancer? - Colon Cancer Conn...
Pencil stool = colon cancer?

Dear Biba_, While pencil thin stools can be a symptom of colorectal cancer, you'll only be able to get a diagnosis or rule out any issues by seeing a specialist. One item that you'll need to be prepared to discuss with a gastroenterologist is how often you've been experiencing the pencil thin stools and for how long.
Keep us updated and thanks for posting,
Well, it was one time event only. That is why I was wondering whether going to the doctor is needed in this case. I wanted to check if something like this can happen once in a while, without being automatically associated with cancer. As it happened one time only like I said. Also, since my BM was absolutely normal in the morning, it seems quite odd, to have thin stools due to a potential blocker, that appeared over couple of hours (as like I said, nothing was blocking my stool in the morning)
Hi Biba_ Thanks for replying. I would suggest you continue to monitor and see if this persists. How old are you? Because if you are of screening age (45), and haven't been screened for colorectal cancer, that would be important to do so (unrelated to the pencil thin stool). If there is an family history of colorectal cancer, you would want to get screened 10 years prior to their age of diagnosis (so if a family member was diagnosed at 45, you would get screened at 35.)
I also has these stools when I was have gallblader issues. I am a fan of talking to your doctor to rest your nerves though and to get the exact cause/answer to your concern.
Hi did you get checked out? Hope you’re ok.