Hi im 23 yeras old. im from india..one week before i ate chicken for my dinner..at the same day night i feel abdominal pain and diarrhea...the next day i went to bathroom for several times i have experienced the feeling of coming poop and i urge to go toilet but there is nothing will come while i went to toilet and i experiencd the tenesmus like feel to poop but nothing will come...gas only released at that time and no stool is seen...i used to give pressure to go push the poop but its waste only gas will come and mucous with small amount of stool will come and.. its continued for 2 days...and i went to a gastrologist and he asked some ques like black stools and blood in stool and i said no...and he examined me pressing my upper and lower and lateral sides of by belly and give some medicine....after that tooo i feel like the same one day when i urge to go toilet its like flat stool is coming while giving pressure and now i see small amount of blood with mucous im super scared....and while wiping my anus i can see the blood with mucous and its for 3 days and today morning i went to toilet and its comes free and no blood is seen over there....but after an hour an urge to go toilet and i went and its like semisolid poop with water and its thinner now i wipe my anus its the same mucus with blood so i went to another gastrologist today he too examined the same like what the previous doctor did and he asked if u used to take outside food? and i said yes and he give some medicine and said its because of infection....but im super scared about colorectal cancer....bcz i have all the symptoms of colorectal cancer😭😖🥺....and my diet with low fiber and used to eat outside food a lot ....im mainly worrying about my blood while wiping😭 ....its for one week ...is this bcz of infection or indication of colorectal cancer?🥺i too young and scared of colorectal cancer bcz its increasing in younger age😭
I have all the symptoms of colorectal... - Colon Cancer Conn...
I have all the symptoms of colorectal cancer

Hi Classic_bull,
Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. I hate to hear you are having to deal with these issues. Has your diet changed much since this first started with that chicken dinner? It does seem strange for this to all of a sudden start happening, so there may be something from that dinner. But something like that should be easily dealt with and eventually just go away. Evidently, it's not going away.
However, you start experiencing flat stools and blood in the stool. Anytime there is blood in the stool there needs to be a definitive answer for that. If it can’t be determined from a physical exam as to the cause, then you should have a colonoscopy performed to find out what’s going on. I see you are dealing with two different gastroenterologists. It looks like both took the same approach in their questioning. It seems like they’re trying to rule out medication as a possible answer to your issue. It must be some kind of protocol to start with the medicine.
I see that you are young. That is a good thing. However, a diagnosis needs to be made based on symptoms not by your age. You should never rule out something just because you are young and more than likely would not be experiencing something because you are young. Never accept that. You state your symptoms and that’s what your diagnosis should be about. It does look to me that they see you as a young person and they want to throw some medication at the issue. I would think that your eating habits haven’t changed that much and you are experiencing these new symptoms. If you changed your diet dramatically and your body is reacting to what you’re doing, then that may be something to address. But any time there is blood in the stool there needs to be a good answer for it. A physical exam or colonoscopy are the only way to determine that.
Another thing to think about is if there is a hereditary aspect to any medical issues within your family. That would be good information for the doctor to know as well. There other tests that need to be done if that is the case.
You should also know that what you are experiencing could be caused by many different things that are not cancer. Given that, you still need a good diagnosis for what’s going on. Good answers so you don’t have to speculate and worry about how to approach a solution. You need good answers to focus on so your solution can focus on that as well. This is what’ll get you back on a path to being well and not having to worry about it.
I do wish you the best in finding out what’s going on. You deserve good answers for what’s happening. Obviously throwing those medications at you hasn’t been the solution. You could have the doctor give you a FIT test which would determine if there is actually blood in your stool sample. Then that would lead to further testing to figure out the exact cause. Testing being a physical exam or a colonoscopy if necessary. The colonoscopy is absolutely the best way to determine what’s going on inside the GI tract. But there are a lot of things that could be causing this as well. You just need something to focus on and that’s getting good answers.
Please let us know what you find out as it is that type of information that can be helpful to others on this site as well. I would also like to hear how your diagnosis is handled given your symptoms and what tests you are given to get you the answers you’re looking for.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
Thank you for your replay sir..before that i didnt have any issues but that day after the dinner its all coming to me!and im also Google to see my issue and its coming that its the signs of colorectal cancer.....im mentally affected😭.. my friends are saying dont believe google ...and many of my friends too said that they tooo experienced blood in stool but it will be alright after some days...now they r good...there is no past history of colorectal cancer in my family but....my grandmother has the Brest cancer...and now she is fine and good and she survived for 5 years...but im very scared about myself because im young and i have some dreams in my life🥺...and also seen that many young peopls are diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer im very scared about that😭...i will wait for 4 days if my symptoms continued i will see my doctor again and push for colonoscopy 🙏
Hello, Sir. I was in your shoes last month. I had a colonoscopy to relieve my worry because we both had those symptoms. Stool with blood and pencil-like stools. Additionally, they only discovered internal hemorrhoids.
How is everything now? Were you able to get a colonoscopy?