At least 10 yrs ago I had a primary physician tell me I most likely have IBS. My bowel movements were always large and I always thought how in the world can a women produce such long logs in a BM. Three months ago in June, I spent two days in the hospital with what the doctors diagnosed as Hyponatremia, my sodium level had dropped significantly and the doctor immediately took me off of the Triamterene bp med I was taking as it could cause the sodium drop. I was put on Amlodipine in place of the Triamterene and a month later I began having constipation. My bowel movements have gotten unusual since then. They are stickier, sometimes looser and yet sometimes better formed and more log shaped, yet not like before. I have a movement at least 4 times a week maybe 5, then other weeks only three. I do have an upcoming consultation with a Gastro Physicians Assistant in about three weeks.
Symptoms and possible colon cancer? - Colon Cancer Conn...
Symptoms and possible colon cancer?

Changes in poop consistency and frequency - our Gastro told us these are possible symptoms of colon cancer.
But I think as you likely know, the only way to tell for sure, is to get a colonoscope.
Best wishes.

Hi Beterme65_,
Thank you for posting in Colon Cancer Connected. I hate to hear you are having to deal with this issue. Changes on bowl movement frequency or consistency can be caused by many different things. I see you are meeting with a Gastro PA and that is good to getting you on a path to answers.
I used to be on Amlodipine for a little while during my cancer fight, but I was dealing with diarrhea issues. With IBS going on, sodium level drops and changes in BP meds could all be contributing to your symptoms. If you are concerned if this may lead to possible colon cancer, there are many tests that can be done to help you determine that. And you are 65. When was your last colonoscopy? What were the results? Maybe it's time for another one? Definitely ask the Gastro PA about it.
There are some cancers that don't show signs early. Do you have a family history of cancer? Galleri is a multi-cancer detection test of your blood. A FIT test would be looking for blood in the stool.
We do wish you all the best in finding answers and getting on a path to wellness. Please let us know what you find out as that can be very helpful to others on this site.
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.