I Have Minor Rectal Bleeding, Any Tho... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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I Have Minor Rectal Bleeding, Any Thoughts?

UJ15 profile image
17 Replies

Hello, My First Rectal Bleeding Was om Dec24,2020. Got Checked by our Family doctor Jan8. Stool Exam Results said it was Completely Normal. My Age is 15, Height is 5'7 and Weight is 55kg. I still Have Rectal Bleeding. But, It is not a Very Large Amount. It is Bright Red and Sometimes It Bleeds and Coats the Stool and Sometimes it Dont.

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17 Replies
UJ15 profile image

This is a Picture of my Stool

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UJ15 in reply to UJ15

This One Too, You Can See a Little Rid on the Left

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UJ15 profile image

Ohh Sorry to Hear That, My Rectal Bleeding doesn't do Anything. I Can Still do Everything Normally, No Weakness at All. But, I always get Sad and Nervous. Is It Anxiety?

UJ15 profile image

When Anxiety first Hit me, I suddenly became Very Tired For 2 Days. But I hear my Friends all the Time at Discord, Their Laughs Cheer me Up. I suddenly become Better. But, Nervousness is Still There. So, Cheer Up Friend :)) We can Overcome This Challenge

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hi UJ15 ,Thanks for sharing and I'm sorry this is causing you so much anxiety.

This site does not offer medical advice, but we are here to share our experience and offer our advice, but it should not replace speaking to your doctor. It is pretty hard to tell from a photo what's going on unless the blood is very obvious, (you'll see lots of pics on this forum with lots of blood)... It can be hard to tell if something is blood or sometimes it is actually pieces of food, but again, we can't tell from a photo and we also can't diagnose.

Are you seeing blood on the tissue paper? Or is it only in the stool?

Did your doctor do a physical exam or just the stool test?

When you experience blood in the stool, the doctor will often perform a DRE (digital rectal exam) where they will both look and feel with their gloved fingers, to see if an any anal fissure (tears in the anus), hemorrhoids, or something else that could be causing the bleeding. Depending on the DRE results, any symptoms you are experiencing, and age, your doctor will determine if further tests need to be performed.

Depending on the type of stool test that was performed, they do have a pretty high rate of being effective at detecting blood in the stool.

When you had the stool test done, were you seeing blood in your stool in the days leading up to the test?

There are many reasons for blood in the stool, some are very treatable with medication, diet change, and minor procedures, and of course, there are more serious reasons for blood in the stool as well. For that reason, we always advise patients to seek medical care when they have blood in the stool.

We've heard from individuals who have rectal bleeding, that if they get a physical exam from the doctor while not actively bleeding (within the last day or so), that sometimes the doctors have had a hard time identifying where the blood was coming from. We have heard that doctors tell patients "if you were bleeding today I would be able to see where it is coming from." If this is the case, I would recommend discussing with the doctor a plan for when you are actively bleeding - is it possible to have a note in your file and that they squeeze you in when you are next actively bleeding.

If your doctor did NOT do a DRE and examine you physically, I would suggest either contacting this doctor again to discuss further or seeking a second opinion from another doctor.

It is frustrating when you feel that something is wrong and you are being told that there is nothing wrong.

If you are able to also share your concerns with your parents, maybe they can help advocate on your behalf. Unfortunately sometimes when you are younger your health concerns may be dismissed. Another thought would be, if you do have a good relationship with your current doctor, is to be honest that this is really concerning you and that even though the stool test results came back normal, that you are still seeing blood and it is really stressing you out. Sometimes sharing how your current situation is impacting your stress levels may offer an opportunity for a discussion on any further tests/examinations that can be done.

Please consider talking to your parents/a trusted adult about either seeking a second opinion or an additional visit with your current doctor.

Keep us posted and we're here for you!

~Nicole, GCCA Staff Member & Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

UJ15 profile image
UJ15 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Hi, Uhm I got Checked Up again, Well My Bleeding is getting Less though, its Not that Much now, I push Myself in making A Poop schedule which is Poop Every Morning, Once a Day. Which turned out Really well, The Bleeding is On and Off though with an Interval of 2-3 Days. Well, One thing that Worries me Recently is about 2 Hours after Eating Ice Cream I got Loose Stools, Then Blood came with it, Bright Red, and It hurts to Poop. Maybe 1-2 Days Later, whenever I poop it feels like I am Pooping blades and It was itchy. Then Awhile Ago, I was about to Take a Bath, I sat at the Toilet And Farted(i am embarrased HAHAHA) Blood Came with it, then I wiped my Bum Blood came too, I dont know What the Dark one is, is that Thick Blood? (pictures Provided)

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Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hi Hidden ,Thanks so much for sharing and I'm really sorry to hear that you are in a similar situation as UJ15 .

The GI system really doesn't like it when we get stressed out - many people see that their symptoms get worse or they get new symptoms when they are having anxiety.

I was sorry to read that you didn't go to the doctor because you didn't think your concerns would be taken seriously - then fast forward to a medical issue where you were in severe pain, and you still were not taken seriously! Are you able to seek out a second opinion? Switch doctors?

For some reason, many of us tend to stick with doctors that aren't a good fit for us. But the truth is, if you don't feel that your concerns are being taken seriously... then that isn't a good fit.

Are you actively seeing blood in your stool? A stool test is a very inexpensive test and doctors are typically open to having patients of all ages utilize these tests. It is often the colonoscopy that can be challenging if the doctor does not share your level of concern.

Your suggestion of a diary is spot on. It is really helpful for the doctor to spot a pattern and many people who have GI issues find that with careful notes they are able to spot a pattern - particularly with specific foods that either are causing issues, or foods that are tolerated well.

Please don't give up in seeking out tests as well as a doctor that you can have a positive doctor-patient relationship with.

Thank you again for sharing. We have many members who are readers and not sharers (which is fine) but I really appreciate you jumping in and sharing your story particularly as you are both the same age.

Please give an update when you can - and know that this site is here for you and that you are not alone.

~Nicole, GCCA Staff Member & Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hidden - one more comment - that is really great that you are getting treatment for your anxiety. I hope that you are able to find some relief from anxiety through therapy, medication, practicing techniques you learn in therapy, etc.

One thing you said really stuck out to me - being that the anxiety can silence you as you are going to bring something up to the doctor. That's where I think your journal can come in handy, as well as writing out all the questions/comments you want to discuss with your doctor. A really effective way to get questions answered and feedback on what you share with your doctor is to actually type up everything you want to discuss and then print a copy for the doctor as well. Also some people are better at expressing themselves via written word, so it may be worth a shot.

Thanks again and we hope you'll continue to work to get the tests you need to determine if there is an issue that needs to be dealt with. If you are continuing to have bleeding, there are many ointments, prescriptions, and even surgical procedures to treat the many causes of rectal bleeding. (for example for hemmroids or anal fissures (small tears in the anus), ulcers, etc.

Please keep us updated

~Nicole, GCCA Staff Member & Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hi UJ15 ,

I am sorry to hear that you are still experiencing symptoms.

Have you seen or spoken to your doctor since your January 8th exam?

It sounds like you may need to follow up with your doctor. Please be careful about scheduling times that you are "pushing" yourself to have a bowel movement. That type of strain can cause issues, including rectal bleeding.

You need to speak with a medical professional to figure out what types of foods you should be eating, what you should avoid, as well as any further tests that should be performed.

Your doctor can look at things such as lactose intolerance (when dairy causes diarrhea, gas, upset stomach), as well as other conditions such as celiac disease, etc.

Did your doctor perform a physical examination of you or just stool tests?

Please let us know when you have a chance.

You may need to see a specialist. There are many reasons why you could be experiencing your symptoms, but you do need to get checked out until they can tell you why it is happening, and what needs to be done (over-the-counter treatments, diet changes, medication, etc.)

I know this can be scary - but it is important to make sure you get checked out if your symptoms are continuing to happen, even after seeing a doctor on Jan 8. Please let us know.

~Nicole @ GCCA

UJ15 profile image
UJ15 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Hello, I am about to Have a Colonoscopy next Week, I consulted my New Pediatrician and Gastroentorologist, Both of their First Opinions are Hemorrhoids because of the Bright Red Blood, But they still Recommend to Do Colonoscopy to be aware if there are polyps.

UJ15 profile image
UJ15 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Hello Nicole_GCCA I had my Colonoscopy, They Found 2 Tubulur adenoma Polyps inside my Rectum, My Colon is Clean and Good, my Doctor Said, He did Polypectomy too.

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to UJ15

Dear UJ15 , I am so glad to hear you had the colonoscopy! That is great news that they removed the tubular adenoma polyps. They are the most common form of polyps.

I'm really glad that the doctors advised for a colonoscopy, because otherwise your polyps would not have been detected. While polyps can remain harmless, there is a chance that they can develop into cancer. (Often takes many years for a polyp to develop into cancer, but it is something you want removed and to stay on top of for the future).

Did the doctor who performed your colonoscopy discuss with you when you'll be due for your next colonoscopy? Typically people who have polyps removed will be getting a colonoscopy more frequently than those who have no polyps detected. I do think if they did not tell you when you should be coming in next (sometimes it is a year, two years or so), that you should reach out to the doctor to ask that question.

I only ask because of your age (I believe it says above you are 15). Did they call your polyps juvenile polyps? Or discuss any genetic testing to see if you there may be a hereditary factor that caused the polyps at age 15?

I do not say any of this to cause you concern, I just want to make sure that you and your doctor are on the same page going forward as far as anything you need to be aware of (any type of hereditary risks that should be tested, as well as how often you can expect to be getting a colonoscopy since they did find polyps).

Again, I'm so glad to hear you got the colonoscopy, had the polyps removed. Just a few more steps to do in making sure that you are set up for a healthy future with your colon!

~Nicole @ GCCA

UJ15 profile image

On my Father's Side, Having Polyps is Hereditary(Just Found Out Recently), The Polyps that were Removed are Still Undergoing Biopsy, And The Doctor Hasn't Talk to me about Colonoscopy Yet, BUT I think They are going to check my Rectum Again Tomorrow Because when The Big Polyp was Removed, it Bled a Lot, Speaking of Which, Is it Normal to Rectal Bleed after Polypectomy?

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to UJ15

HI UJ15 ,That's great that you are learning about family history. When you have a family member who has had pre-cancerous polyps removed, (I'm not sure if they were pre-cancerous), family members are at increased risk for colorectal cancer.

But sometimes when a family member has polyps removed and does NOT develop colorectal cancer as they've stayed on top of their screening and get the polyps removed as they are found, family members are less aware of the risk. For instance, if on your Dad's side, your family member had colorectal cancer and died of the disease, your family would be very aware that colorectal cancer is something that the family needs to talk to their doctors about, earlier than the typically screening age of 45, because there is a family history.

So the risk remains the same, but with early detection and removal of polyps, family members are often unaware of the increased risk (IF there is a hereditary component).

Hope the above information made sense, please let me know if you have questions on that.

Regarding the bleeding:

We do hear from patients about different levels of bleeding following polyp removal, always best to get it checked out. There are different techniques the Doctor can do to try to control the bleeding.

Be sure to ask your doctor if you'll be getting genetic testing to determine if you have a hereditary gene that increases your risk for colon (or other cancers.)

I imagine the doctor may want to wait until the report on the polyps come back, but, do let them know that you want to know how often you'll be getting a colonoscopy in the future.

Good luck! I hope the bleeding gets under control.

Feel free to post if you have any questions or just want to vent, that's why we're here :)

~Nicole @ GCCA

UJ15 profile image
UJ15 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

HELLO, Uhm I Got 2 Polyps Removed Right, So The Results were JUVENILE RETENTION POLYPS, NO MALIGNANCY HAS BEEN FOUND. What does That Meann? My Doctor also said that we Will Have Colonoscopy Every 1-2 Years

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to UJ15

Hi UJ15 ,Did your doctor go over your results with you? It is really important that your doctor answer any questions you have, whether right there when they give you test results, or days or weeks later when you have questions.

This site does not offer medical advice, we can share our experiences. So please, do follow up with your doctor, or seek a second opinion to understand what the juvenile retention polyps mean as far as your risk of potentially developing colorectal cancer in the future.

As far as what malignancy means - that is a term that is used when there is cancer that can grow, whereas a non-malignant mass (what you are saying that your report said), is NOT cancerous, and is also known as benign, or non-cancerous.

We would recommend that you speak to your doctor about having genetic tests done to find out if there is a hereditary (or inherited) gene involved. If it was determined that you have a hereditary gene that increases your risk of developing certain cancers, this is information that you need to know so that you can stay on top of doctors visits and screenings.

The good news is that your polyps were determined not to be cancerous, but we would still advise that you have the opportunity to become more educated by your doctor (or seek out another doctor) because the more you can understand about any risks, the better you can manage your health through regular screenings.

Please keep us updated and do reach out to either speak further with your current doctor or seek out another doctor.

~Nicole, GCCA Staff Member & Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to UJ15

So have your bleeding stops after the polyps are removed??

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