Urgent referral- Positive TF/FOB & an... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Urgent referral- Positive TF/FOB & anemia, very Anxious and can’t sleep

Prada2016 profile image
6 Replies

Hi 👋🏻 all

I have been poorly, for a while now in hindsight. Finally went gp. I’m a busy working mum with 4 young children from 1 to 7 years. So life is just hectic.

Last October started noticing bloody stools but not really bad, but chalked it up to having a baby some months prior, then in Jan there is no change still having bloody stools now it’s just like dots of blood in stools, the Feb the cramps started in abdomen and lower back, between shoulder blades ect basically I had cramps all over my abdo area all the time. Fast forward till now and things are the same bowel habits all over place, specs of blood in stools , bloated constant , back ache terrible itch on sides and under arms , lost weight since jan but I was watching what I eat as well so I can’t use that as a symptom.

So went to Gp last week did bloods and a TF/FOB test. He rang me yesterday to say Bloods showed anemia and the TF/Fob test were both positive so he’s made an urgent referral to gastrointestinal doctor and said I have to many red flags an I will be seen in the next 2 weeks. I am anxious now can’t relax at all, I juts though it was maybe IBS or something but now I’m so sore all the time and my bowels playing havoc ... I very stupidly thought that I was fine as I wasn’t off my food persee , I was just watching what I ate, gp seemed very concerned I have dropped 2.5 stone since jan but I explained I was trying to shed the baby pounds anyway, but he said look out of 7 red flags you have all 7 I am getting an emergency referral, he was reluctant to go into the blood results with me he kind of fobbed me “there is definitely anemia present. Look just wait until you see the gastro dr and take it from there. Let’s rule out Bowel cancer! I nearly fell over but wasn’t shocked at the same time as I lost both parents to it very young it’s in the family I’ve seen it first hand and should by now know the symptoms.

Has / is anyone like me waiting to be seen for possible Bowel cancer ? I am very well aware it could be a bleeding ulcer or a polyp ... but gp said they would cause the pains to be so sever..

I’m just all over the place now trying not to think negative as by nature I’m a pretty out there upbeat optimistic person. Just wanted to see if anyone else is like me and having a bit of a scare and what led them there or even just to vent , ima. Great listener lol

Thanks for reading , feel better for venting already lol 😝 xx

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6 Replies
BrendasBaby2 profile image

Hi hon I have just been through similar since January and suppose I still am but let me tell you my story. I had non stop bleeding (period) since January and in March I finally saw a specialist and had a hysteroscopy. I had uterine polyps which she removed and it's settled. However she said on exam that she could feel a mass in my bowel which I had to have investigated. I had had unusual symptoms like going 6 times a day and lots of indigestion and wind etc and some spots of blood as well as feeling tired and losing weight. Just thought the 5:2 was going well without much effort like you do. However as soon as this mass was mentioned my symptoms got way worse. Passing lots of blood every day and pain all over. It's been the most worrying time in my life ever. It's a living nightmare. However I then had a clear CT scan and all those symptoms completely disappeared. I would have put money on dying in a few weeks. Am not saying don't worry about it because I know you can't but I am saying your body can do some really weird things to you and don't trust it completely that it is bad. Have hope. I am not out of the woods yet. I have to see the bowel guy still and maybe have a colonoscopy but feel that I don't have bowel cancer anymore! I then found a lump in my neck and have had ultrasound and blood tests to see about that. They were good too although I have something called simple hyperplasia which needs keeping an eye on. I thought it was breast cancer that has spread. I still might have that as I am still losing weight and have lots of symptoms despite 2 clear mammograms but I am telling myself look what you thought you definitely had and havnt. I feel for you so much. Let me know how it goes. There isn't anything I can do to help but lean on your family if you can and always have hope that it could be nothing but stress. Xxxx

Prada2016 profile image
Prada2016 in reply to BrendasBaby2

Hiya hun

Thankyou so much for the reply. And you are exactly right, once ya get something in your head your body runs with it lol 😂

Sounds like u had a rough time of it to. What’s threw me off guard is in 38 and a smoker 🙄 but generally fit.

Who isn’t running about after 4 kids lol I think what made me anxious is I was ignoring stuff thinking “ah I’m grand” lol (I’m irish ☘️) and just carrying on until I got to a point we’re the cramps and ton of other symptoms just got so bad I had no choice but to visit my gp. So he did bloods and wasn’t happy with markers and low cell count they I had that FIT test thingy and it was positive for both the TF / FOB (what ever that is) lol and I was trying to lose weight anyway and shed the baby pounds but found it easier this time. I’ve still an appetite and that sounds silly but that’s the one reason I didn’t bother with the doctor , I had this stupid assumption that, “ya lose your appetite” lol naive I know... but my gp was alarmed and worked up I was cool as a cucumber. So seen him Wednesday last week for results and I already have an appt for next Tuesday for the gastrointestinal specialist. No idea what to expect ? I’m trying to remain calm as I’m chilled person anyway by nature and far from a pessimist. But the gp reaction just kind of made me worse lol so come home An was like “s^*t I’ve 4 young kids what if I am sick” I should of went gp sooner. Started beating myself up as ya do. 😿

So we’re are you at now? Are you waiting on more scans ect ? You a lot on because I’m fairness , having symptoms like u have and not knowing in my opinion if far worse and must be head wrecking for ya, god love ya 🥰

I’ve never heard of hyperplasia... I must look it up (I’m nosy like that 🤣) 🙄

So Tuesday next is my 1st appt, so will know more then, but it’s awful scary process isn’t it like all those people who actually have cancer are totally my heroes. Im being investigated just and I’m a mess lol and I’m not usually a weak peeps. So to speak I’m

More a take it on the chin an soldier on life’s tough out in your big pants an crack on 😂

But I’ve been reading some of the stories on here, and there really are some truly brave people. I hope you get some answers

Hun that’s def not good in the “not knowing” category, def keep me posted I will

Update Tuesday when I know more myself, and omg are u right about your body. I’m like needing a wheelchair right now lol 😂 and it’s def my brain playing tricks on me , so glad you messaged because I was actually saying to myself , get a grip here your not that ill lol because since being to gp I’ve been feeling worse lol

Which proves your theory absolutely correct 😉 lol

D xx 🤗

BrendasBaby2 profile image
BrendasBaby2 in reply to Prada2016

You sound a really positive person which they say helps. I’ve found out I’m not really. Must work on that! You are right about some of the brave people you read about. I am in awe of them. I have pain in my armpit now and I darent move! Let’s keep in touch and see where we end up! Hyperplasier was found when I had my polyps done. I got the results yesterday. It’s all to do with your hormones what else ha ha

Prada2016 profile image
Prada2016 in reply to BrendasBaby2

Oh I hear ya, who ever ivebted hormones needs shot lol

I had an itch on my sides and under my arms and the gp said never dismiss an itch / pain / swelling under your arm as a woman especially, as that’s were some lymph nodes are !! It’s all a learning curve Isn’t it.

I just want this appt out of the way because I am feeling rubbish and sore... but I will update Tuesday and like wide doll, have yourself a nice week end xx

Mc-uk profile image

Id suggest people stick to the classic bowel cancer symptoms, but keep very much in mind that you may not have all of these symptoms.

(Indeed are unlikely to)


Bleeding in your poo - Classic warning sign (but not always detectable visually, or even with stool tests in 20% of cases i believe)

A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit (typically over 1 month, so track this, although this of course could be many different causes - Crones, IBS, etc)

Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason (classical sign, however easily confused with anaemia by rushed GPs, so if other symptoms are present then persist with your GP)

A pain or lump in your tummy

Unexplained weight loss (this is not in all cases, and tends to be later stage so i would not wait for this one to occur, but it is a major warning sign)

Id insist on gastro screening via colonoscopy and liver ultrasound - go private if you need to initially, especially id you have a family history (Better 10 colonoscopies than late diagnosis!)

GPs are generally useless atcdiagnosing CRC, youve been lucky it was found at all..!

And if i had one piece of advice to young mothers (especially with a family history of CRC) do not ignore you're above symptoms over time, or let you're GP fob you off with a simple anaemia diagnosis if youve got a wider range of bowel symptoms like we did...

And yes its ok to be a complete wreck during this process, we are extremely tough and reliant but this was something else...!

I dont think we functioned properly for weeks

Good luck you are seeing the right specialist!

Dottym profile image

Hi prada2016. I've had similar symptoms to yourself. Seen by gp on Friday and have been referred for "urgent investigations to rule out bowel cancer." Not the best start to the weekend!!? I was wondering if you've had any other investigations since your last post? I, myself am quite an upbeat person, but my mind has been running away with me a bit since yesterday!! Thanks. x

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