hi has any one used any alternative or complimentary treatments to manage there CMT (in the last twenty years or so I've tried herbal medicine (three different herbalists), McTimoney, acupuncture, cranial osteopathy, and homeopathy (four different homeopaths) to name only a few, which little or no discernible affects(?)
Alternative Treatments?: hi has any one... - Charcot-Marie-Too...
Alternative Treatments?
I'm sorry you have had so many disappointments. I have a sort of feeling that if any alternative therapy were known to be efficacious , we'd all be using it by now.
Thank you for sharing your 'feeling' Amanita. Isn't that rather like saying people would be using different political and economic systems (here I'm thinking of basic income or participatory economics) and utilizing green energies if they were known to be efficacious? No they wouldn't because they are averse to change, even change for the better, possibly because it means for them temporary uncertainty, and work. The realty is that, in terms of taking charge of their own health, people continue to trust conventional medicine, and become reliant on pharmaceuticals the names of which they can barely pronounce, which are arguably less than efficacious.
i the past i have used osteopathy acupuncture and various health supplements all with varying degrees of success you go with what suits you best i guess
I have had a spinal cord stimulator implanted. It sends constant vibrations to my calves & feet. By no means is it a cure for the neuropathy but I guess I get about 30 percent help from it. I still see a pain management doctor who prescribes opioids for when the pain is unbearable & sleeping pills for those nights that sleep won't come. He has recently put me on a med for restless leg syndrome. Some nights not only my legs but my whole body jerks so hard it wakes me up. This CMT is no fun! I have an appointment with my neurologist in a couple of weeks. My first since she diagnosed me. I've got a mile long list of questions for her. I think getting some more answers will make my mind feel a little better.