Hi fellow travelers, wondering if anyone has has a major outbreak of canker sores? I’m traveling in sunny climes and got too much sun (I know: bad on Calquence! I wasn’t as careful as I should’ve been and have truly learned my lesson!) Got rashy all over then a day later I have a big sore on the inside of my lip (a doozy!) and several smaller ones across my palate. These are very painful and I’m having troubling swallowing due to pain. I’ve done some research and I know stress can cause them, and I’ll agree that the sun reaction has stressed me. (And travel and maybe fighting a cold?) I know they are self-limiting and should go away between 1-2 weeks. Ugh. I’m wondering if anyone has a cure? And if this could be related to CLL? I’ve been on Calquence for 8 mos and counts are good. Due for IVIG in a couple weeks. Advice? Thank you!!
canker sores: Hi fellow travelers, wondering if... - CLL Support
canker sores

There are more specific answers to your question if you search for 'mouth sores' within our community; healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
Searching for 'canker' returns over 2,000 results, perhaps because the search engine thinks that's a mistyping of 'cancer'? Yet another 'benefit' of what I term autouncorrect!
PS I've deleted your addendum post after correcting this post. You can edit your posts and replies by selecting 'More v' under them and then selecting 'Edit'
Try L Lysine. Works well in my experience. You can search around online for info.

Folic acid is a non toxic treatment that often works, not sure why although many institutions including dentistry bodies seem to support the hypothesis.
I also have a problem with canker sores and I do believe that the CLL is the underlying cause. I tried many over the counter treatments which did not help and were painful. I currently am using a a mouthwash of one part warm water, peroxide and baking soda , @ 2 to 3 times a day and finally am getting some relief.
Also I do not use any toothpastes with whiteners in them.
Canker sores are so unpleasant. Pre my SLL Dx I would get them a couple times a year. But in the last year they were coming constantly, like one would resolve and next day a new one would start. In a moment of frustration/panic I purchased a red light device I saw advertised on social media called LuminanceRed. Not cheap at all. But for me it worked both to quickly resolve active ones and to stop new ones if I used it as soon as I felt one coming on.
how do you use the red light device ???
hold it an inch or so away from the sore for a minute. The device has a timer and turns off. I wear dark sunglasses as the light bothers my eyes. Its a little awkward sometimes if you have to pull your cheek aside or whatnot, but better than any other options I tried.
where did you buy it ..??
thankyou ,, we have been using the large red light wrap for my wife's back and for our sons broken leg , he is a missionary in India working with Jesus for Asia and was riding a motorcycle and another motorcycle driver ran into him .. he was home on furlough for Christmas break .. the red light therapy wrap really helped his damaged bone and muscle .. I did not know they made this oral device .. you are right they are expensive ..the cheaper one on amazon for $100, has 4 1/2 stars I might try that one out ..I am sure the will be coming down on price in the future ..I had a number of bad mouth ulcers a couple of years ago .. this would have been great to have ...this red light therapy is another non drug item we can use for healing . thanks again. God bless ! James
Have You been diagnosed with EBV previously?
I used to get them somewhat often (about 1 per quarter) and now no more since I've been taking zinc picolinate (TID). I check my zinc levels and they were pretty low so I started supplementing with a bio-available form. Haven't had a canker sore since. I check my zinc quarterly and am prepared to cut back if I get above optimal range. Additionally, and as some have said, the L-Lysine works well if you have an acute flair-up. I would take 3 a day (500mg) for roughly 2-3 days and it typically halted the canker sore in its tracks. That said, and as always, your mileage may vary.
Are you taking an antiviral. If not, ask your doctor about prescribing one for you. I have been taking Acyclovir for many years and have no outbreaks of anything.