I’m in the UK & new to the forum, I’ve been on Calquence for 2 years now & have put 28lbs on. I know it has increased my appetite & I’m really trying to control this, (without any positive results at the moment) I’ve read about water intake helping I was never told about this by my Dr, can anyone offer any advice re:this & losing weight please .
Weight Gain: I’m in the UK & new to the forum, I... - CLL Support
Weight Gain

Hi Sunkiss
I've had challenges controlling my weight all my adult life. Like most people, it gets harder as I get older. ( I reached WeightWatcher lifetime goals twice in my life- the last time was 1994, and I'm within 7 pounds of that weight today weightwatchers.com/us/blog/... I found their programs to be helpful ).
I've had 6 rounds of treatment with 5 different targeted drugs since 2010. Some of those treatments made it slightly harder and I had to reduce my portions, especially proteins and starches. I got a small digital scale and started weighing my proteins ( 6 oz. vs 10 oz. is hard to discern visually despite having worked as a butcher in my youth).
I set a goal weight (like 5 lbs. below my current weight) and avoid all starches and limit my daily protein to 6 oz. until I reach my goal. Then try to maintain that goal weight while weighing myself daily. After a few weeks I know what meals and bad choices make it go up and when it goes down. I try more water/hydration, more very low calorie "filler" foods like celery, lettuce, simple salads with minimal dressing and no high calorie toppings and see what results I get over a few days.
Then I choose a new goal 5 lbs. lower and avoid the foods that I now know are bad. (Bread, rice, desserts, creamy sauces, high calorie salad dressings, etc. )
Unlike your experience I dropped 10 lbs. suddenly when I switched from Venetoclax to Calquence this summer. I've regained 5 lbs. with the holiday parties and need to get that off in the next 2-3 weeks doing whatever I must to bring that daily weighing result down.
Len, please consider actually calculating your body needs re:protein and shooting for that, if you haven't gooten the "6 ounces" number that way. Adults need roughly 0.28gm/pound of bodyweight, to maintain healthy skeletal and cardiac tissue. If you have a tall/large frame, 6oz may be a bit under what you personally need. Cutting starches/carbohydrates is probably better for health overall.
Hi SofiaDeo
Your ratio calculates to 53 gm of protein per day for my 190 lbs.
How many grams of protein is in 4 oz of chicken? There are about 7 g of protein in 1 ounce of cooked meat. So, for example, 4 ounces of raw boneless skinless chicken breast yields about 3 ounces of cooked chicken, or 21 g of protein
An 8-ounce chicken breast is equal to 224 grams because there are about 28 (weight) grams in one ounce. But that doesn't mean the chicken breast contains 227 grams of protein; rather, it contains 56 grams of protein.
I looked up ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
And found these suggestions: "The Institute of Medicine (IOM) established the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for protein in 2005, including the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), and the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) [2]. The EAR for protein is 0.66 g per kg body mass per day (g/kg/d) and is defined as the minimum amount of protein expected to meet the individual indispensable amino acid requirements of 50% of the U.S. adult population. The RDA, however, is 0.8 g/kg/d, and reflects the minimum amount of dietary protein required to meet indispensable amino acid requirements, establish nitrogen balance, and prevent muscle mass loss for nearly the entire (i.e., 97.5%) U.S. adult population [2,3]. The RDA for American adults is similar to international adult protein recommendations established by the World Health Organization (0.83 g/kg/d)"
Another reference: healthline.com/nutrition/ho...
I have also put on 20 pounds while on calquence. Very frustrating

Take a look at the box on this page labeled: Related Posts
*Weight gain is suddenly concerning
*Weight gain with Venetoclax
*Venetoclax Weight Gain
*Gaining weight with Imbruvica
*Ibrutinib and weight gain?
If you want sustainable weight loss, you can't fight your hormones. They always win. No amount of will power is enough. There is only one way. Changing them. Their levels. Leptin and ghrelin. And the only way to do that is by changing what you eat. Some foods are a no no. Always will be. Pls check my profile and posts, see if you find them helpful. Then do your own diligence. Don't believe anyone who does not walk his talk. A sickly looking health guru? Haha. As I used to tell the doubters, talk to the six-pack. Back when I had those, that is 🤣.
My CLL specialist told me to expect to gain weight once on treatment. He said that before treatment, your body is using energy to try to fight off the CLL. Once on treatment, your not using that much energy, so we tend to gain weight.
Happy Holidays,
The only thing that works for me consistently is logging what I eat and how much I move. Otherwise, I overeat, and COVID and CLL treatments haven't helped. I was chunky as a kid and have yo yoed ever since. But this year, I paid for an app and dropped 30 lbs over 10 months which wouldn't have happened unless I ate very intentionally. Not to keep it off.