Met onc today who talked about my case with my old onc at MDA, they both recommended it’s time for Calquence because of the CLL being SLL now and the flareups not really subsiding like they used to (I would swell about twice a year, do methylprednisolone, and be fine for about 9 months). Now I’m fine for barely 3 weeks. I have an allergist appointment (at last) and want to wait and see if the shots help within 2-3 weeks or so, but hearing it’s “time” today when I was initially told 8-10 years before anything and only due to lymphadenopathy is kind of sad. Thankful it’s just Calquence, but still want to see if it’s another immune issue. It’s not right away, but I guess I needed to vent. Thanks for listening. This has always been a great forum.
Any side effect management I can do in advance from anyone who is on it? Do they go away within weeks? Thanks