Rocbrutinib is a new drug offering hope to patients with what are known as gatekeeper mutations that confer resistance to Pirtobrutinib. This BTKi is unique in being both a covalent and non covalent inhibitor of BTK.
Patients with gatekeeper mutations have poor outcomes and short survival and demonstrate an increasing unmet need in the field of CLL.
Second-site T474 gatekeeper mutations have been commonly observed in patients resistant to non covalent BTKi such as pirtobrutinib. LP-168 (rocbrutinib) is a selective next generation inhibitor of BTK that targets wild type (WT) BTK irreversibly, C481 mutant BTK (C481S, C481F and C481R) reversibly, and other non-C481 mutations such as gatekeeper mutation T474I irreversibly,
Overall, the trial has enrolled 50 DLT-evaluable pts. CLL pts make up 47 of them and now have efficacy data. The estimated 18-month progression free survival (PFS) rate of CLL pts is 68.5% (95% CI 44.1 - 83.9%). For 22 CLL pts with starting doses ≥ 200mg, the ORR is 77.3% (17/22) with median follow-up of 13.95 months (range 2.5-23.3). There was no new safety signals to report.
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