Finished the 6 treatment last week for CLL/ AIHA and had the PICC line took out today after the blood tested done . I don't see the doctor until the new year, unless something shows up in the blood tests. The GP ask to see me last month, to go through all hospital reports and scans I had back in June when I was hospitalized, and one of scan show a small tumor on the pituitary gland now I have appointment with Endocrinologist for the new year . Does anyone know anything about this or what causes it, is it related to having CLL . Thanks 😕
Up date : Finished the 6 treatment last week... - CLL Support
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I am also suffering from AIHA. What treatment did you have for it? I had four infusions of Rituxan in Fall 2023, but my blood is still hemolizing. Hemoglobin has stabilized, but just below normal.
Not necessarily related. How are your prolactin levels and libido? Rhetorical question, don't answer 😀 It could be a benign tumor managed with a pill. Low libido is likely in that case.
HiSaw the Endocrinology, with more blood tests to rule out other things. It's benign with having CLL, it could change, so I'm in watch and wait , with blood tests every 6 months and MRI every year, until my hormones levels have dropped off to nothing, which probably be 5 to 10 years. The prolactin levels are up little bit.
Elevated prolactin levels, along with a suppressed libido can be a consequence of
They should be watching the pituitary gland tumor size for any changes.
If it gets larger, it is managed with a pill and then usually shrinks. It can cause bad headaches if it gets bigger because it then starts to press on surrounding tissue.