I’ve been on Calquence for several months now - all good there, but I struggle more with actually getting it delivered when scheduled and working with “coupons” to cover co-payment. It’s so confusing as McKesson and the support organizations give information out one piece at a time. Trying to get my meds last week, and in a bit of frustration, I used my health savings card to pay (and then found it’s non-reimbursable). Words of encouragement to help me better advocate for myself? Good health to you!
co-payment and delivery questions: I’ve been on... - CLL Support
co-payment and delivery questions
Hi LaneOShea,
Have you contacted LLS.org lls.org/support-resources/f...
Or the specialty pharmacy that actually ships the drug to you.
I have been fortunate that while taking 5 different of the new targeted drugs (aka ridiculously expensive drugs) I had excellent guidance and support from one of the following, each time: my CLL expert doctor's staff, the specialty pharmacy - ONCO360 or Queens NY Presbyterian pharmacy, and the LLS.org staff.
I encourage you to reach out to all three, they often know how to deal with the commercial insurance companies and the local pharmacies that don't stock our drugs.
You can read other postings on this subject here: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
Great advise! When I started Calquence I worked with Onco360 who were great! I then used up my grant and qualified for free medication with Astra Zeneca. I did not have any problems with shipment. The only frustration was that I had to be home to sign for it. I got to know the FedEx driver pretty well and included him on my Christmas list!!!😊I am now on Brukinsa and don’t have to sign.
Lankisterguy gave some great suggestions! I would start with contacting the pharmacy. When I was on Calquence I had to be home to sign for it through FedEx. Make sure your address is correct in the system. Paying for the medication can be a financial burden! I hope you’re able to straighten things out. You shouldn’t have to worry about things like that. It’s enough for all of us to manage our illness everyday. Hope you get some answers. Stay well!🦋
Hi LaneOShea,
This week's CLL Society newsletter has an article with in depth information for you, see:
Working with Specialty Pharmacies for Oral Drugs for CLL / SLL
Also, join the email list at: visitor.constantcontact.com...
Thank you! This is exactly what I need - I felt like I was in a barrel going over Niagara Falls!!
LaneOShea - Lot's of good advice here from Lankisterguy and others. I just wanted to chime in because I deal with McKesson every month too. Including just this morning.
Hopefully, armed with all this info you'll be prepared to strongly advocate for yourself as needed!
The AstraZenaca co-pay program has worked well for me. I have much more mundane issues like getting their system to email me the tracking number.
I understand your frustrations! A few years ago when I started on venetoclax every month required hours long 3-way calls with my insurer and the specialty pharmacy.
I've found that after getting refills for a few months the process becomes easier. As if the insurance company and the specialty pharmacy realize they have to do this.
Good luck!
I'm not sure where you are located, however, I know in the US (because I do this) Astra Zeneca will pick up the co-pay for you. I am on Calquence and it was recommended to call them - they have a copay assistance dept. and it covered my entire $150 copay per month. I have up to $26,000 US dollars 'budgeted' to cover copay costs per year. Here's a link that may be helpful. Sorry it's so long but wanted to get you right to the page. I hope this is helpful and if you are in a different country, try looking up the AstraZeneca website where you are located. This is a "wallet-saver"!
this is kind of wandering from the trail of conversation but I am told I will probably be on that med in a year or so......do you have side affects? It probably wont make any difference as I have IBS and occasional flareups but I was just curious as to how I am going to tolerate it....I know, I should just wait and see....as far as the cost of meds i think my insurance will pay for it but I am not sure about the copay...nice to know astra zeneca might pick that up...the co pays for all the drs I see every 3 months is enough....have a great day y'all....
i haven’t had any side effects except being very regular in the morning 😎. I’ve lost some weight, but I’ve also retired and sold and bought a new home.
I am retired and on Medicare. I too get the Calquence directly from AstraZeneca (via a specialty pharmacy they deal thru).
Go to AZ&Me to explore their program. I think it's called Access360.
Good luck.
Thank you - I spoke with my Part D insurer today and my one $3300 copay this month maxes me out for the year. I didn’t think the price breaks help we pensioners on Medicare? Also, my doc had me working with Biologics McKesson. Should I go to Astra if my doc for clarification. Y’all are a godsend!
Go directly to AstraZenenca - not through your doctor or insurance company. I gave the link above. They have their OWN co-pay program and will most likely cover you FULLY for the copay. If you are more comfortable on the phone you can call them at 844-275-2360. It is truly full coverage.