I have just returned home after a session with my CLL consultant. Initially my consultant was happy to start me on Zanubrutinib (Brukinsa) the following day but subsequently he called me to tell me that following discussions with his other CLL colleagues their advice was that because of my AF then the R&V treatment would be a less riskier and more suitable option.
Unfortunately, my CLL consultant is leaving the hospital this week so I am being transferred to one of his colleagues who I will meet in 2 weeks time where a decision about what treatment I should embark on will be made.
I was previously treated with Obinutuzumab and Chlorambucil for 5 sessions and this proved to be very effective as my bloods all returned to ‘normal’ very quickly and I have remained very well during and after the treatment. I remained in remission for 4 years but my bloods have now shown that my CLL is back so I will need to start treatment again as soon as possible.
As mentioned, I have AF which was diagnosed about 13 years ago and I have been on a blood thinner (initially Wafarin but now Apixaban) as a treatment. I have also developed reduced kidney function which has apparently been caused by my CLL. Immediately following my previous CLL treatment my kidney function improved quite significantly and my consultant is hopeful that this will be the same once I commence my follow up treatment.
The alternative for me seems to be the R&V treatment which I am quite nervous about. I guess the benefit of this treatment is that it is time limited (2 years) whilst Zanubrutinib is 4 tablets daily for life.
Has anyone with AF got any experience with taking Zanubrutinib or R&V so I can evaluate what treatment is suitable for me?
Appreciate any advice.