Is it likely that treatment might be needed in the near future? Husband is trisomy 12, TP53 negative. Mutated. He has splenomegaly, and enlarged nodes.
Fish is in process.
A phenotypically abnormal population with forward and right-angle scatter features of small lymphocytes constitutes 74% of analyzed events. It dimly expresses the B-cell associated antigens CD19, CD20, CD22 and low intensity monoclonal surface immunoglobulin of kappa isotype. In addition, it expresses CD5 and CD23, but does not express CD10. <1% of the abnormal cells express CD38, which is considered negative.
The remaining cells are a mixture of lymphoid, monocytic, and mature myeloid cells. Granulocytes and monocytes are normal in proportion and have a nomal immunophenotype. The T-cells constitute 6% of the analyzed events and show a CD4:CD8 ratio of 1:1. There is no significant loss of pan-T-cell antigens noted. NK-cells are normal in proportion and show a normal phenotype.
Can anyone give insight please?
He was diagnosed 14 years ago next month, and has been very indolent. Just wondering if these results show anything other than an indolent case of CLL?
Thank you!