DART (rather than CART) treatment could be come important in the future, especially for CLL where the T cells become exhausted and don't function appropriately.
We often think that Venetoclax works for everyone but sadly that isn't true and this in vitro (lab) study on CLL cells, although at very early stages of research, offers the promise of another type of treatment for these patients.
"Agents targeting the apoptosis pathway, like the Bcl-2 inhibitor venetoclax, are highly effective in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). However, not all patients experience deep responses and acquired resistance has already been described. T cell mediated lysis is another tool currently exploited in hematologic malignancies. In contrast to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) however, efficacy of autologous based T cell therapy, such as CAR T cells, in CLL has been low. This is linked to a CLL mediated acquired T cell dysfunction.
Since it has been observed that bispecific antibodies can overcome deficient synapse formation in CLL (Robinson et al, 2018) and based on our assumption that T cell mediated lysis differs from venetoclax-mediated killing, we hypothesized that usage of a CD3xCD19 DART in CLL overcomes T cell dysfunction and will be effective against venetoclax resistant CLL. "
More here:ash.confex.com/ash/2019/web...