I am in my seventh month of V&O treatment. Last Thursday I started an antibiotic (Bactrim) and a couple days into it I noticed what looks like bruises on my lower cheek on one side. It's not a typical allergic reaction. I feel fine no fever, UTI seems to be cleared up. Has anyone experienced any strange bruising on Venclexta? Today is my last day on the antibiotic so I'm going to give a few days before calling doctor. Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. My RBC and platelets are all good all my counts are really good.
Question on venclexta and bruising.: I am in my... - CLL Support
Question on venclexta and bruising.

Bactrim can cause bruising. Check the Side Effect list from the paperwork on the Bactrim, that the pharmacy filling it gave you.
Thank you for that. Of course I disposed of that paperwork. I have taken it so many times before, I didn't expect any issues.
Keep in mind that with blood counts within their respective reference ranges, there's a reasonable buffer to prevent anything you take from causing sufficient lowering or bone marrow output to cause a problem. You lose that buffer with progressing CLL and even more so in treatment, particularly initially. Lots of drugs as well as some supplements, foods and even alcohol can cause changes in platelet production and effectiveness, even potentially the quinine in tonic water! (That's incidentally why drinking quinine for cramps is no longer recommended - it can be quite toxic for some people.)
Thank you! This was just so weird to me. I have two dime size bruises below my cheek. I never hit it that I recall. I just woke up with them after starting the Bactrim. On the other hand I hit my leg hard with the car door couple days before that and told myself don't be surprised if you get a nasty bruise and I got nothing.
Do you sleep on that side? Or lie on a couch, with that cheek on a pillow? Or put makeup on? When listening, do you put a hand on the face, resting on or near the bruised area? Sometimes the bruises come from even the slightest touch, and whether or not one gets a bruise can be random. As well as, bruises may spontaneously form.
Actually I do all of those things. When watching TV I always lean into my hand. Funny thing is they look like finger tip marks. Very good thought. Just weird if that could cause a bruise. Then I get slammed with the car door and nothing. The marks are starting to go away some now. I'm not bothering with the doctor. I have an appointment next week to talk about sleep issues, I will mention it then. Thank you for your input.