hello! I would like to know if anyone stopped ibrutinib before and after Mohs surgery. Thank you for your answers
Mohs surgery: hello! I would like to know if... - CLL Support
Mohs surgery

Yes I stopped Ibrutinib 5 days before mohs surgery and for 2 days after. Mohs was on my scalp - surgeon cauterized it with practically no bleeding. You should do well. All Best, MsChief.
It's common to "hold" ibrutinib before & after any kind of surgery. It's up to your doc, and if they recommend it you should do it.
It's not specifically named on the following list, but it falls under both "immune suppressant" and "anti platelet". This guide also notes that there are a few absolute contraindications, and it is a combination of factors a doc uses when deciing to "hold" a medication.
See page 2:
The manufacturer states a doc needs to consider whether to stop or not, look at the bottom of the first paragraph re:the Hemorrhage warning in the Safety Precautions.
I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my scalp four years ago with Mohs surgery. I asked the surgeon if I needed to stop Zanubrutinib and Clopidogrel (a blood thinner) before the procedure and he said there was no need... he'd would cauterise blood vessels as he progressed.
I understand Ibrutinib and Zanubrutinib have different effects on platelets etc but the doc was clearly not concerned even with a blood thinner.
i had Mohs surgery twice on the top of my head, once for Basal Cell and once for Squamous Cell. Never stopped my Imbruvica.
Two weeks ago I had a Mohs surgery on the top of my head (for Basal Cell). I mentioned to my dermatologist that I am using Ibrutinib, but she didn't find it necessary to stop using it. Most of the bleeding was stopped by cauterize the relevant blood vessels. So, I didn't stop Ibrutinib (and had no bleedings afterwards).
Timely question for me. I'm having Mohs on the top of my scalp next week. The dermatologist said that Ibrutinib would be ok to continue, but I think that I will give my CLL doc a call later this morning.