Beets are in the news. I discovered organic beet juice without salt. Unfortunately canned beets are packed with salt and I am not set up for cooking beets.
BEET JUICE : Beneficial for us ? : Beets are in... - CLL Support
BEET JUICE : Beneficial for us ?
I drink some every morning.
Why? Who knows? Makes me shudder every time.
Don't be alarmed by potentially reddish after-effects! 🙃
What I buy is James White cartons and sweetened with organic apple juice. If you still find it difficult on the palate you can dilute with water and also reduce the effects on teeth of the fruit juice element.
Here where I live fermented beet juice is quite popular.
Contains all the goodies found in beet AND some good gut bacteria (which colonize your digestive tract, help in digestion and make competition / make it harder to live for potentially dangerous bacteria).
I drink a quarter of a glass every 1-2 days, keeps you healthy!
Generally beneficial. Theoretical risk from excess nitrates if over-consumed.
In the UK the big supermarket chains sell two brands of pressed juice, both 90% beet +10% apple, at £2.70-2.95 / litre.
I never heard of commercially made celery juice. I used to make my own carrot-celery-apple cocktail.
Lakewood Organic makes beet and celery and many other combos and also Knudsen. I like the taste of beet juice but also mixing with OJ is good.
sounds disgusting. I like beets but the idea of drinking beet juice makes me shudder.
That said, has anyone here tried SuperBeets? It's advertised on TV with the following benefits:
It helps you (1) achieve healthy blood pressure, (2) boosts stamina and energy, (3) supports healthy systolic circulation, and (4) increases nitric oxide levels. (5) Also, it is a helpful way for people who dislike eating beets.
They sell raw organic beets at Trader Joes, great for juicing! We live these already cooked, nithing added
Hello janvog
I really like cooked beets and up for more servings. On the other hand I tried beetroot powder mixed with apple juice and decided I would rather have CLL.
My grandfather used to grow beets and I hated them growing up. Now as an older person I love them. Have been buying these at Costco for many years, on of my staples to buy there.
Studies show beets can be helpful in our fight with CLL. I love beets. Drink a small juice glass every morning. Also eat equal to 1 cooked beet every day. It greatly improved my digestive issues & increased my stamina on my elliptical bike. No aches or pains afterwards either. My labs are good. Also, my hubby has high blood pressure. FINALLY got him to eat beets. As a result, he is off one of his blood pressure pills and hoping to soon be rid of the other one. Yea beets!! Both of us have blood pressures low 120's/ low 70's. I'm in watch & wait. I'm not aware of any interactions with CLL treatments so, please check with your Healthcare team before adding beets to your diet. I boil them in water until they soften up, peel and eat plain. Hubby likes a touch of our homemade maple syrup on them. Research beets. It's amazing how much we benefit from them, Kale, spinach, (greens as a whole really), apples, grapes, berries, and nuts.
Best wishes!
My lazy beets recipe: 3 medium to large cooked beets sliced into thin discs then sliced into half circles, marinate in fig vinegar, top with a citrus olive oil mix gently and ... The end. The original fancy recipe said to put in 1/3 C. orange juice, and garnish with tangerine wedges, toasted walnuts and goat cheese and somehow all those other ingredients were dropped over time.
I make Kvass all the time with some sea salt, same process as a wide range of fermented veggies and sauerkraut, The difference is that the Kvass is about drinking the elixir, not eating the fermented vegetable.
Super easy, just well washed/scrubbed beets cut into chunks with salty water in a clean quart mason jar, and ferments at room temperature. I boil and cool the water before adding the salt and to the beets to keep it sanitary.
For medium to light, I put in a little over 1/2 jar's worth of chunks, and fill almost to the brim. First time I drain and store the liquid is about 3 days, then about 4 more days, then the third round lasts in the jar another week or so. The leftover pickled beet chunks go into salads.
For the strong version, the jar is full of beet chunks, I start taking shots at about day 3 and keep another jar of the salty water with it to replace the fluid volume each time i take some. It stays fresher by keeping the air space in the jar to a minimum. The brew puts off CO2 which purges the oxygen, but keeping the liquid level topped up helps.
I use it as part of electrolyte replacement, plus provides probiotics and all those good nutrients.
Thank you ! Very informative. I just listen to music therapy: TROPICAL MERENGUE 100 (in internet). The youthful exuberances of young and old (old) in the Dominican Republic. They never "act" old.