I had my first evusheld infusion on July 7, 2022. I asked my CLL specialist about getting another infusion this month after the 6 month wait. Recently I have seen articles stating Evusheld does not work against the omicron variants in the USA. Her response was to wait to see what the CDC recommends. I had my 5th COVID jab on 11-16-22 of the bivalent antibody. With the holidays coming Should I or shouldn't I push for the second Evusheld infusion? W & W 5 yrs.
2nd evusheld: I had my first evusheld infusion... - CLL Support
2nd evusheld

I expect that the FDA will soon remove its emergency use authorisation for Evusheld, when it becomes no longer useful for the circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants. (Evusheld is a combination of tixagevimab and cilgavimab, the second to last listed in the graphic accompanying this post: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo... So my advice is that if Evusheld is still effective against the circulating variants where you live, get it now or never.
Thank you Sir.
For what it's worth, I got my second round of Evusheld on November 15th and my first case of covid on December 1st. I live in the USA but probably contracted covid in the UK or Iceland. Based on my experience, I wouldn't push for it.
I just got my second one.
One doctor (ER) told me not to because it was likely less effective against the current mix of COVID strains prevalent in the US. My oncologist, however, said to go get it, because even it if only protects you against 40% of what's out there, that's still better than 0%.
I consider the downside risks of Evusheld minimal, and the cost to me with US private insurance was $0. So I agreed with my oncologist and got the shots.
Mine second round was just canceled. I’m in the US and CLL specialist is in Chicago
Get your Evusheld booster. I received a second Evusheld shot a few weeks ago. I also received my 5th Covid shot AND my Flu shot. Like Jeff Bridges says, "Up your antibodies!" Why would you not want any small option that could save your life?
I just saw my specialist at MD Anderson and she said they are "No longer recommending Evusheld". It is ineffective for the new variants and they are not giving the injections anymore.
I got an email from Columbia Presbyterian, where I got my 2 Evushields and where my CLL Dr is, saying that Evushield is no longer effective against the current variants and I should be careful because I am not protected.
I just had my regular consult at Mayo/Rochester yesterday and I asked my doctor if I should still get my Evusheld injections that are scheduled next week. He said I should go and get them since they are already scheduled and certainly can't do any harm, but also said he is confident they won't be giving them anywhere in the near future.
I find the situation re: Evusheld so very disappointing. For me it was a little ray of hope that I had some added protection, no matter how small it was. Why is AZ not looking into keeping up with the fight against new variants? Pfizer and Moderna are managing to keep up with the new variants. Once again we are the forgotten. Please continue to wear a mask because it seems to be the major defense for those us on BTK's. I am terrified as well as saddened by the situation. Supposed to get my 2nd round of Evusheld shots in February. (ha,Ha)
AstraZeneca is updating Evushled the company hopes to introduce Evusheld 2.0 by the second half of 2023, the CEO said.
The revised formulation, AZD5156, maintains cilgavimab, and replaces tixagavimab in favor of another mAb that will retain neutralizing ability against all variants harboring the R346T mutation (BQ.1.1 and BXX for example). The clinical trial underway is called SUPERNOVA.
Thank you for this wealth of information. very much appreciated. It gives me some hope. I wonder why AZ has not publicized the clinical trial. I am so hungry for any bit of information concerning Evusheld. Bless you.
There's no mention of AZD5156 from the AZ clinical trials site:
which references
Pinecrest , do you have a better reference link?
I am trying to figure out, what Pinecrest posted and what you posted, re: Evusheld. Would you please clarfiy.
I was looking for information on the next release of Evusheld before Pinecrest's post and couldn't find anything. I still can't from the clinical trials portal that AstraZeneca promote as the reference for recording the status of their clinical trials. Perhaps information available to Pinecrest isn't available to me in Australia.
Sorry for the late reply
More information on AZD5156 from AstraZeneca. The trial has begun.
Data indicate Evusheld will still provide protection against the following variants (percentages are national averages):BA.5 (13.8%)BN.1 (4.6%-based on preliminary data)BA.2 (0.8%)BA,2.75 (0.7%)These four variants together make up 19.9% of cases on average nationwide as of December 2nd.
CDC variant tracker by region. Evusheld still works against BA.5.
Hi. I also had Evusheld in July, as 4 VAX's did little. I listened to Dr. Lamanna's Q&A session a few days ago. She used the term "discontinued" for Evusheld. Prior to that, UCSF announced the same plus another MAB, believe Sotro... or Beb.... It doesn't look as if any Pharma org is working on updating MAB's. My CLL doc said a few weeks ago that she will explain to a patient where Evusheld now stands as a possibly (in)effective MAB for Omicron & beyond, & let the patient make the choice. With this, & while Evusheld was easy & no side effects as opposed to 5 VAX's, I will not get it again. Check the. CLL Society's site for Dr. Koffman's comments. Immune-compromised with an. inability. to make AB's, we are relegated to masking & distancing.
here in Florida in the U.S. several cll treatment facilities are no longer giving Evusheld. A Pharmacy here in my county has pharmacist giving Paxlovid but you have to have a positive Covid test. On another hopeful note I did some research on Acyclovir an anti-viral which I take twice a day as prescribed by my specialist to prevent shingles. The heading on one article was: An Old Drug With a New Purpose. So who knows. I have been on it since July ‘18 before I start treatment even though I got the 2 shot Shingrix shot s….I still mask up if I have to go out and I wear a KN 95 and a blue and white pleated mask the kind you might see in a doctor’s office. Fingers🤞